Chapter 9

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You, Raye and Theresa were walking down the hall to one of the spare bedrooms. The three of you walked in and waited for Theresa's reaction to her new room and new life in Castle Dimitrescu. "This will be your new bedroom for your time here." Theresa looked around the room before smiling back up to you and Raye. "I love it." Smiling back, you spoke "Well, if you have any questions, just ask me or Raye or even Aylssa and we'll answer them." Theresa nods and lays in her new bed. 

 With that you and Raye walked out and made your guys way to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, you and Raye made lunch for the Dimitrecu family. While Raye made the sauces and drinks, you made the sandwiches. Hearing the bell ring from the dinning room, you and Raye gathered up the food and drinks and headed over to the dinning room. When you walked in, you were suprized to see a maid sitting at the table with the Dimitrescu family. Walking over to the table you were confused as to why there was a maid sitting at the table. You set the plates down on the table and looked at Raye to see if she knew anything about this, but her face said confusion too. 

"Maidens, This is Susen. Shes my new chambermaid." Alcina said to you and Raye as she gestures to the blonde headed maid. Clenching your jaw, all you could do was nod.  'This bitch!'  turning on your heels, you head back to the kitchen before you could say anything you might regret later on. While cleaning up the kitchen mess, Raye walks in along with Theresa right behind her. "Y/N whats wrong? You seem mad." Raye asked. Grabbing some dirty knives you turned towards them "nothings wrong, I'm fine." You said throwing the knives in the sink. "You're jealous arent you." you spun around and shouted "What?! No! I'm not jealous of that slutty whore. Its just some- somethings seem off about her. Like shes up to something. Not to fucking mention her fuckinhg blonde straight hair. Oh and her eyes, Blue as the ocean. Its like shes all perfect." You rant on. 

Raye and Theresa looked at one another, then back at you. "Sooo..... in other words, you are jealous of her?" Theresa said. Groaning in anger, you stormed out of the kitchen and towards the stairs. Walking up the stairs with Raye and Theresa right on your tail. "look I'm gonna finish up my tasks, then heading gead out for some goddamn motherfucking air." You said as you turn the corner, only to witness Alcina hit her head on the door frame, making her hat fall off. She groan in pain, while holding her forehead. The three of you stood there in the hallway trying to hold in you laughter but no avile. Suddently a burst of laughter filled the hallway, making Alcina look over at you guys. 

Raye doubles over holding her stomack, while Theresa had to hold on to the wall for some support. And you? Well you were on the floor crying in laughter while holding your stomack and rolling around. Alcina glares at the three of you, then spoke with a stren tone. "What the bloodly hell are ya'll laughing about? This is not a laughing matter, Nor is it nice to laught when one is hurt, especially your mistress." The three of you stopped laughing for a moment only to brust out laughing again when you looked at each other. "This isnt a laughing matter ladies." Alcina said, picking up her hat and setting it back on to her head. She glares down at the three of you guys. "D-did you see how her- her head went 'Thunk'" You said. "O-or when her hat fell." Theresa said collapsing to the floor. 

While looking down at you guys Alcina couldn't help but smile at the fact that she got to hear your laugh. It was music to her ears. With that she turns and leaves you guys to contuine laughing. 

<Ten Minutes Later>

Once You, Raye and Theresa finally calmed down, ya'll got up and made your way to the library. Walking in, you see Danilea crying at her desk, ripped up papers scattered all over the room. Rushing over to her, you held her face in your hands and wiped away her tears. "Dani? whats wrong? what happened here?" You asked softly not to scare her. Sobbing, Dani cries on your shoulder and you just held her. After a while she calmed down and wiped away her tears. You waited for to start speaking. She takes a deep breath and Spoke with a shaky voice. "I-I was writing one of my chapter for my book, when Mothers Pet came in and started making fun of my writing then she just ripped up all my hard work that took me months to do." She held the torn up pieces of paper in her hand afraid it might break even more. 

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