Chapter 23

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Seth cursed when a man ran out of the house. "Let's go!" He secured the last chain and bolted for the cab of the truck.

"Hey, that's my car! Get back here you thieves! I'm calling the cops!" The man yanked his phone from his pocket.

Zay looked back at the ranting man standing on his front lawn as he pulled the truck's door shut. "Uh, he didn't sound like someone who expected his car to be repossessed."

"They never do. They'll deny up and down they missed any payments, threaten you and tell you that you have no right to take their vehicle. I've had the cops called on me more times than I'd like to think about." He shrugged, started the truck, and stomped on the accelerator.

Zay shifted in his seat as he stared at the tablet, the paperwork was there, the car was meant to be taken, still ... he felt uncomfortable about it. Yeah, the guy deserved it if he hadn't made his payments, but it still felt wrong. He sighed as they peeled away from the curb in front of the man's house, leaving his ranting behind.

"Hey, are you all right?"

Zay shrugged. "I know that guy deserved to have his car taken, I mean the bank can't wait forever for a payment, but it still feels wrong."

"That's cause you have a good heart, Zayden. You don't want to hurt anyone." Seth grinned. "It's one of the things I love about you."

Zay's cheeks turned pink. "Thanks."

"Any time. Now, let's get this car to the yard." Seth adjusted his baseball cap and made a right turn, heading for the lot they brought repos to.

Zay remained silent for the duration of the trip. It wasn't until they had dropped the car and left the yard that he spoke. "I don't think I'm cut out for this kind of work." He stared out the window. "I'm not going to come along anymore. I can't do this."

"Zay ..."

He shook his head. "I know, you don't have to say anything. There's nothing wrong with what you do, someone has to do it. I don't think that person is me."

"I was going to say I understand, it isn't for everyone."

He looked at Seth in relief. "You aren't angry?"

"Why would I be angry? It's a job, Zay, and not everyone can do this sort of work." He shrugged.

"Thanks for understanding."

"Always, Zayden. Do you want me to take you home?"

"If it's not too much trouble."

"No, of course not. I want you to be comfortable and shouting people generally cancel out comfort," he replied with a chuckle.

"Yes, that they do."


West dropped down on the couch with a sigh. "I swear there is zero information."

Alyssa nodded and set her laptop aside. "I already told you that. The guy isn't stupid."

"Seth may be a fully-realized slimeball, but he isn't an idiot."

Alyssa laughed. "Fully-realized slimeball?"

"Yes, he knows exactly how to commit his crimes without leaving a single thing that leads back to him. There's no paper trail, nothing. His uncle's company is legit, all their licenses are current and they have a stellar rating with the Better Business Bureau. There are a few online complaints on various boards but they all come off as disgruntled customers who won't admit they fucked up when their car was towed. Every single response to the angry posts is polite and professional."

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