Chapter 28

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Seth propped his back against the wall. "Would you like to tell me why we're having this little meeting? Especially when we shouldn't be seen together."

"It's important, too important for a dead drop. Zayden Walker is out on bail," Ferrel said.

"Yes, I'm aware. His friends came to the house to get his shit after the bail hearing."

"He's agreed to help with the investigation. He's going to give up the tow yard and chop shops," Ferrel told him. "That's a problem for all of us."

"Please, I'm not an idiot." He shoved away from the wall. "I know Zayden Walker well. I understand how he thinks. You don't think I anticipated him offering to give up anything he thought might save his ass? Do not contact me in person again."

"Look, kid, my ass is on the line here too! I don't need a snot-nosed kid telling me what the fuck to do! Your uncle may have put you in charge of shit but I'd rather take orders from him, not some child less than half my age!"

Seth stepped forward so only inches separated them. "This snot-nosed kid can make certain your ex knows exactly where that child support money is coming from. How do you think she'd feel about reconciliation if she discovers you're a dirty cop? I know shit about you that you don't want to see the light of day. Don't fuck with me, detective, I can fuck right back. Have a nice day!" he said cheerfully, turned and stepped out of the dilapidated warehouse, and strolled to where he'd parked his bike. Ferrel was a problem he couldn't afford, not at this stage of things. Blaine kept his mouth shut and didn't question shit, Harold Ferrel on the other hand, questioned everything. The detectives had been invaluable thus far in keeping the car thefts going. Any evidence they might find upon arrival at a scene never made it into the evidence lockup. Anything that pointed in the direction of Selozzi Towing that other detectives may find at a scene was lost rather quickly. The two were paid well for their services. It had been his idea to bring a couple of cops on board. His uncle thought it was too big a risk, to attempt to bribe cops, but he wasn't stupid. He collected all the information he needed to assure the two detectives would not only cooperate but if they tried to back out he could bury them.

As for Zayden Walker, it was time he dug that hole a little deeper and buried his former boyfriend further. He grinned as he pulled away from the warehouse.


Zay stared at the empty lot behind the chain-link fence. "I don't understand, this is where we towed the cars." Everything was gone and the lot appeared as if it had been empty for years.

"Well, obviously your people moved everything after you were arrested. A little contingency plan of yours?"

Zay sent Detective Ferrel a glare. "They aren't my people and never were. Why waste my time bringing you to the lot if I knew it was going to be empty?"

"To make it appear as if you're cooperating and to make yourself look innocent. Let's go, back in the cars." The detective ushered him back toward the cars.

Zay sent Mr. Salazar a look. The lawyer smiled and clapped him on the back. "Don't fret, you're still attempting to assist, even if they've covered their butts."

"If Seth has moved the lot, you can bet we won't find shit at the repair shops either," he told the lawyer quietly.

"Most likely we won't, but we'll still go there. It's all we can do. Let's go, we'll take them to the shops, even if there's nothing there. You told the judge you would help and you are. It isn't your fault everything has been moved. It does make sense they would move it to keep you from giving any of it up."

He nodded, but it didn't make him feel any better. Seth had him in a corner, trapped with no escape. He was going to go to prison for this while Seth simply continued with his life as if nothing had happened. It was supremely unfair but he saw no way to rectify things. He got into Mr. Salazar's car. They waited for the detectives to give the go-ahead to leave and Zay gave the lawyer directions to the shop.

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