1; My Mum's devotion

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"To every bookish girl,I pray you get the love twist you're hoping for!"


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.                 ____________________________

Nafessah!,she heard her mum called her name as she made her way to her room.Nafeesatuuu,she called again and she sighed and then kept tray she guess she was holding on the bedside drawer.Nafeesa groaned under the blanket covering her body,as her mum sat on the side of her bed.

"Nafeesa,I know you are not asleep,and you can hear me calling you but you chose to ignore me",she said and dragged the blanket off her daughter's petite body,who slowly sat up and held her Mum's hand.

"Oh mum,why will your beautiful daughter choose to ignore you ,I only wanted to sleep a bit more".She said to her mother and she smiled.

"I spent my entire night and morning praying for you,and i still woke up early and you here wanting to sleep a bit more"she rolled her eyes."Haba mummy!,Allahumma Amin to all your prayers,can you please tell me what you've asked for me in your prayers?She asked.

"Come here",she motioned for her to come closer and She did just that and she held both her hands in hers and said;I prayed you have all the beautiful things in life".Ameen,Allah saka miki da Aljannah Mamana(May Allah reward you with Jannah mum),Nafeesa's also prayed.

She dragged the breakfast tray to her bed and she open the covered plate to revealed pancakes.

"Made by yours truly".....And she finished her mum'sstatement "lovely mum"She smiled and kissed her mother's forehead,the mother and daughter have been like that,their love for each other was unconditional.She squealed like a 5yo and said "I love that these are staring back at me",woah woah.

"Oh,oh!,stop squealing like a child that you are not not ,when I was your age I already have you in my belly"she said.The girl wasn't surprised but she still bulged her eyes out like they were about to fall out because she knew they were about to start the marriage topic.

"No mum,please don't start with your lectures,it's just 10 in the morning"She begged.Her mum choose to do the exact opposite despite her pleading "You know you should be settling by now ,when I was 18 I was already married and you,you're 19 and in 200 level in the university.If a good man comes your way please give him a chance,I know you've been heartbroken before but in sha Allah things will fall into place".
She allowed her daughter to date at the age of 18,at least that was an adulthood beginning and her little girl got disappointed.

"Alright,I will try to give the next person that approaches me a chance",Her mother smiled a bit and she returned the gesture before she stood up and sauntered out of her room.

After having her breakfast,she went into the bathroom and showered.Her room was already cleaned by their house help,She was glad she did because she was running late for school.She got ready in an Abaya, grabbed her bag,phone and all the necessary things because it's already 10:30 am and her. class starts by 11:00 am,by the way Nafeesa is a student of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLS) at Baze University.Her siblings already left for school,so the house was so quite when she went to tell her mum that she's leaving for school.

"Salaam Mummy,I'm leaving for school"She ainformed."Alright Naafu am,Allah hokku sa'a(wish you good luck) and have a beautiful day"she smiled ."Sure mum,you too",She sauntered downstairs and took out a drink from the fridge and walked to the drive way where the driver was waiting for her.

She got into the car and greeted the driver before telling him to drive ,throughout the drive to school ,Her Mum's words echoed in her head like a broken record.She loves her mum that she's willing to do anything only if it makes her happy ,She meant her mum devoted all her time,her care ,her discipline,her love and affection in her as if she's her only child ,though the girl was the only child for 9 years.Then she was blessed with another daughter who's 10 yo now and another Amani who's 5yo now,so basically Nafeesa has have two beautiful siblings.Their mum did a great job raising her into a sweet and beautiful young woman with good values,so she'll do anything for her.
"Mamana May Allah reward you with Jannah",She prayed and sighed.

The car came to a halt and it brought her out of reverie of thoughts.She picked her bag and told driver to come pick her by 1:00pm.She walked to her class and met her bestfriend Asmau on way,they exchanged pleasantries as their  entered our class and found our seats.The lecturer came in ,and began delivering the lecture,She answered 4 of her questions,not brag but She's a beauty with brains and the class was so interactive.

After the 2hrs lecture,the class ended and she bade asmie goodbye because the driver was already here.She got into the car and told him to drive to her siblings school.After about 30 minutes,we arrived and it's closing time.She first went to Tasneem's class and informed their teacher she's here to pick her.The look on her face was priceless because she don't usually pick them up,mostly because She's at school so the driver does.She ran and hugged her so tight.

"Adda I'm so happy you came today,you know my friends always brags about their sisters,so today they'll see mine"she said.
"Really?,then today is your chance to show off your sister too"the older sister said and she chuckled.

Tasneem ran back into her class to call her friends.She came back with two girls about her age,afrah and Yumna whom she got to know their names from her sister.They both greeted her,then Yumna whispered something to Tasneem.

"Adda,Yumna said your beautiful like the Arabs and fateemah said your hair is like that of indians (obviously because she saw her long hair because her head tie was in zahra Buhari style).She stood in awe of the girls as Tasneem spoke."We'll thank your girls,you both are beautiful too and my regards to your families".

Tasneem waved them goodbye and head to Amani's class,that drama queen was sleeping when they got there.She carried her on her shoulder, while her sister picked her bag and lunch bag and they headed to the car.The driver helped open the door for them when they got in and drove out of the school premises ,Amani opened her eyes and started giggling.All along,she pretended to be asleep obviously she saw them coming to her class,it was a prank.

"You little rat,so you made me carry you on my beautiful shoulders"She said and she giggled.
"Adda ,you've stop carrying me around you claim I'm not a baby anymore ,but I still am."she whined.
"Adda make her massage your shoulders when they get home"Tasneem chipped in and they all laughed.

They arrived  home and ran upstairs to their Mum's room.They knocked at her door and she asked who was there?.
"Mummy,it's your devotion and two trophies"they answered in unison.
"Come in habibtis" she said.

Theyvall went in and hugged their mummy.we recount everything that happened at Tasneem's school and after a lot of sibling banters they dispersed for their rooms to pray ,shower,have lunch and get ready to go islamiyya while Nafeesah rest.She doesn't go to islamiyya since her graduation and memorization of the holy Quran.

Dear beautiful readers,
How do you like this start?,it's gonna be a beautiful and emotional one.I'd love for you to support me throughout this book by voting,sharing and comment please.

"Everything in this story is true,except for the facts that they were made up".

Love Islaha_x!

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