2; A fateful day

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20th August.

Weeks went by and her Mum's words keep echoing in her ears,she's said this before for het mum she'll trade the whole word,she's been through a lot before and after her separation with her father,so worrying about the girl should be the least of her problem.So for her she's ready to break the walls she's built around her fragile heart.

The Sunday evening breeze blew silently,she was seated all alone in the garden doing absolutely nothing.Her mum and siblings were out for some shopping hence the reason she was alone
and in order to pass time,she decided to check het instagram,she has an account for two years now but social media wasn't her thing,she doesn't know the trends or anyone from this IG because to her it was mere distractions nothing more.

Today she decided she'll make her social media active.She logged into her twitter followed some accounts and then went back to instagram followed some pages.She went to explore page and surf through until her finger tips ached.

So many trends,she just felt -where was she all this while,she became the social person instantly. She went back to feed,She was viewing stories ,when she came across a story a guy though she didn't follow his page so it was a sponsored story by instagram or a suggested page that she took a guess.

It was a video of a man in the car which was dark only the light of the phone camera snapping him lit the car a little bit, he was smiling and saying something in Hausa "Wai Kaga Ina kunna wutan gaban na zatayi haske Kaga?"eh ?"he said laughed whole heartedly.She swore then,her heart surely skipped a bit or even two,and then she caught herself smiling and grinning ear to ear.

The man was wearing a pitch black kaftan which suited the light skin of his ,with a minister cap perched of his head slightly showing his beautiful curly hair,he was holding the steering wheel talking to someone by the windshield and when he looked back to the person at the backseat ,his babyish smile made her heart flutter,his beautiful large eyes with the most blackest  iris were smiling too.His face was adorned with a beautiful cute mouth that revealed his open-teeth when he smiled ,he had a straight nose but not so steep,the little mustache and small beard trimmed in the 'please call me manner' which complimented his chubby face so well,a perfect handsome man indeed.

The next thing she did was to view the profile of the story,she tap the view profile feature and it a man's page but the not same man on the story,she didn't lose hope so she continued to scroll through all of the page ,she scrolled down till her eyes caught a photo of the same man,that moment her eyes glint with excitement and her smile grew wider ,if someone had seen her that moment then they'll say she's in love or it's something about love at the first sight or maybe it is.

She read the caption and underneath the photo ,it says; Happy birthday uncle praish".She checked the date and it was on 21st August the previous year. She tapped on the photo to see if there was any tags,and yes he was tagged,she tapped his handle and went on his page.The beautiful thing was he's named Nafiu,Nafiu Muhammad.

To say she was happy was an understatement state,She lost a Nafiu (her cousin) three years back and she stumbled across a Nafiu,her cousin has always been her favorite person,he was her confidant,her go to person and her twin,he was the brother She never had,he did pass away while praying subh prayer in his sujood.

She cried so much that time but she was happy he passed away in a good act , She misses him everyday hence a reason to befriend this Nafiu,but also it's like she's forming a rebound.

So She followed the new Nafiu on instagram,liked his recent post then she heard her Mum's car honked and that was her cue to leave whatever she's doing and go welcome them home.Nafeesah locked her phone and made her way to the parking lot."Hello everyone,use mon be wartugo( welcome back )" She greeted in fulfude,since we're Fulani they speak more of fulfulde,and English than Hausa.

"Adda we are back,I'm so tired"Amani complained as she wiped her imaginary sweat.This 5yo never seize to amaze her older sister with her never ending drama."Okay Amani , never go shopping again",she said and she rolled her eyes and walked into the house.

"Adda, this one that you're grinning ear to ear,do we get any good news tonight",she asked."No ,mum it's nothing....you must be tired let's get in so you freshen up before magrib"She said trying to divert the topic.
"Okay oo"she said and she helped carry the remaining shopping bags and trial behind her into the house.

After magrib,they all dine together and watched cartoon,at 19 she still watch cartoon because her siblings will always insist they watch cartoon together,even if she's watching something on Netflix,they'll always find a way of dragging her to living room to watch cartoons.
Movie time was over for the kids and all they have to do is do their homework and shower ,then call it a day.She helped them do their homework which is something she dread ,especially when it's Amani's,she makes her shout.After that the house maid helped them shower,then tuck them in.

It's currently 10:00pm ish,She went to check on her mum and sge she found out she was already in bed ,she walked to her room.She went in to shower,and didn't know how she managed to pass so much time in the bathroom thinking ,much to her dismay,all she was thinking was the man with the charming smile from earlier today on instagram.She smiled yet cringe as her heart weave so many hopeless romantic dreams.

She Finished all her skin routines and wore her pajamas,and hopped onto her bed,then took her phone and opened instagram,She went to his page and stalked the life out of his page.She mentally scolded herself ; it's like her first day here and she's doing terrible things,so she act against it and left the app,only for her to open twitter and read so many hilarious and sarcastic tweets and retweets.If twitter was a figure of speech then sarcasm should definitely be it's name.After ,She recovered from all her rolling and laughter,she slept away.

Dear beautiful readers,
40 episodes of k-drama later,i finally updated..and yes before anyone crucify me I'm sorry for updating late and breaching the Friday update thingy.

Anyways,Anything can happen on a fateful day,love at first,soulmate meeting each other and having a crush because things happens for a reason.Nafeesa's eye has caught a gentleman,and maybe everyone should get ready,we might go on a ball this season.Let's talk in comments!

"Everything in this story is true,except for the facts that the were all made up".

Love Islaha_x

Second Chance Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora