6; Mi tesoro

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  Abuja , Nigeria.
11:30 pm

Zipping her suitcase for the last time,she wiped away the imaginary sweat on her forehead,because packing a box when traveling ain't an easy task.She ran to the bathroom and did her normal routine,then got dressed in her sleep wear.Bedtime has now become her favorite time of everyday,because she chat with Nafiu almost everyday during her bedtime.

Unplugging her phone from the charger,to message her favorite person,she went online,after viewing his story as if it was a cue for him to message her,he sent her a chat.

"Hey,my treasure "he messaged and she squealed before replying.She smiled as if the man has just warm her heart or she hit a jackpot,not tearing away her gaze from her screen she typed "Hello,Mi Tesoro "!

Beyond Nafiu's ken,he became quizzical "Mi Tesoro??",he asked.The girl knew she called him some sweet nothing in Italian but she knew he might not know Italian,so she explained further."Yeah In Italian my treasure or darling is called Mi Tesoro".As usual,the switch to video call to see her face and hear her voice,he doesn't know if men do get butterflies but one thing is for sure— the girl sure knows how to stir his uncanny emotions.

"Ah yayi"he said with a winking and grinning ear to ear as soon as she answered the call.

"Yeah you like it" she asked.He looked up as if he was thinking then look back to her on the screen.
"No, I love it"he said.

"Glad you love it,because if you didn't I would have given you another one".The man could sense mischievousness in her voice,that is so much he's known her now, "what are going to call me"

She cocked her head sideways as if she was thinking, "I'd probably call you" —cute curly pretzel,she laughed and he joined heartily.I know I'm cute,but call me Mi Tesoro baby girl,she nodded him a smile,the fact that he acknowledges how she addresses him makes her  happy.Nafeesah saw that he added another story ,so she to viewed the story.It was a video of him singing the song 'fake love',while it's a play in his car radio,then she sent him a reply.

"Some people like the fake love you know" and he began typing .

"How so?"

"They know what their partner feels towards,like the deserve better but they stay where the love is faked because of their selfish interest".Nafeesah shocked her head as she detest any form of love that's not true.

"Yeah you're right,but still na dem sabi"He seems to be carefree like that,she only smiled to herself thinking he probably got no worries.

"When are leaving for Adamawa " he asked"Ahh,Mi Tesoro do you have to remind me" Nafeesah whine like a child,she doesn't want to go."My treasure,you know you're just been unreasonable,it's your hometown that you're going not some jungle or hell" he said trying to convince her to change her mind.

"Mi Tesoro still you won't understand " she knows why she dread going there."Alright,but for my sake please enjoy your holiday" Now she's see he has resort to emotional blackmail and she can turn him down.

"Fine then for your sake Mi Tesoro " she finally agreed."Now just go to bed you have to travel tomorrow "

"But I'm not tired of talking to you tes " she whined like a child ."Me either"That was how the duo continued chatting till they didn't know when they dozed off. She only woke up when she heard the adhan for subh prayer,she just continued sleeping till her mum stormed to her room looking angry ,like anger doesn't suit her she looks so cute when she's feigning anger maybe because of her calm demeanor.

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