20; Ending thing forever

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So they say;Zo mu zauna,Zo mu tsaba (honestly,I don't know you to interpret this but maybe this means when to people coexist with each other,they tend to have their
Difference and they might argue or be at peace with on another).

When it comes to married life, it's something one commits to with so much patience, and tolerance for each other.

That is how the married life of couple continued after their trended honeymoon,till start to shake on foundation of mistrust.

One fateful day,Amina turned up her husband's office with food for the first time.Thinking of it as a nice gesture till her husband's beautiful secretary appeared to handed over a file to her boss,and he cracked a joke which seem to have made Joyce the secretary to laugh-- he really his that carefree with his employees.

But his wife's uncouth action made his so embarrassed,when Joyce was about to walk out of Nafiu's office,Amina pushed her and she fall flat to her face and she laughed  out loud.

'Now that's funny' Amina said and her husband apologized to his staff as let her off for the rest of the day,deeply regretting his wife's action.

He grabbed his car key and walked out while Amina followed him to the car,and he drove then home.Ge saw there's nothing she could say to give grounds for her barmy and not full in shilling action.

A silent treatment continued between them,and it went on for days till Nafiu decided to address the issue,as to make things better since life can't go on that way.

He walked into her room announcing his presence with a 'Salaam' ,he met her seated by the dresser combing her long hair and struggling with it at the same time.

He stood behind her and extended the his hand to her,-"here give me the comb let me do it for you",Amina quietly handed the comb and he began to comb her soft,lush and long hair gently as he hopes unto the clouds of big thought, Nafeesah--the remembers the day he met her.

She just went out and walked to the parking lot,someone hit her shoulder making her hair band to fall off and her bun loosen making her hair cascading down her shoulders.She was about to lose balance when he held her hand and save her from falling.

Everything was in slow motion,She could only see him in color and everyone and everything else looked black and white.Only their eyes communicated ,it felt as if the whole world was left high and dry but it was raining on her.Her heart then skipped a beat and she lose all her ties from reality ,and suddenly she grew wings ,it felt as if she's no longer walking on the ground but soaring in the air,and then she felt a connection with her dream world.It was just like magic.

The Nafeesah who was amidst a crowded and loud party a minute ago is now lost in fantasy.

Happiness,bewilderment,surprised and all was written on both their faces.If anyone told her she'll be bumping into the person she just did now,she'd definitely laugh it off their face.

"You look pretty when you let your hair down"he whispered

His wife looked up,pulling him out of his never ending thought of his beloved.He looked up at her and smiled weakly,if only she knew what's in his heart.

"I'm sorry,Ami",she said and she nodded standing up to give him a hug,"I'm sorry too",she whispered.

They stayed like that for a while,then he told her they should visit her family,bet she's missing them.She looked at him lovingly and continued ready while he sauntered out of her room to the living room downstairs to wait for her.

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