4; Be my friend

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Abuja Nigeria.
28th August.

     Days and days have past,and today is the fifth day after Nafiu's birthday.She forgot to mention she did something terrible,or rather awkward.Well girls from her neighborhood came to her house for sleep over,they were actually are good friends though they really not that close,like best of friends but they are cool like that.

So after their had our dinner ,they decided to pray truth or dare.At first Nafeesah was against the whole idea but then she agreed.They were really having fun till it was her turn.One of the girls,fateemah asked her truth or dare.
"Dare",you know I love challenges she said and winked.

Alright she smirked and said ,"I dare to you message a random guy and tell him you want to me more than friends with him".She froze not knowing what to do but she need to find a way,She can't lose they'll make her eat paw paw and She hates that fruit,she'll probably get sick if she have it.

She briskly grabbed her phone from the bed and open her instagram.Her eyes landed on the first name she saw in her chats and before you could say bingo she messaged Nafiu;

"Iwantustobemorethanjustfriends",She hit the send button and showed them to prove she was actually did.

They all laughed and she sent them deadly glares."laugh all you want ,because I'll have the laugh last".After their laughter died,she heard her phone ping and then it was a messaged from Nafiu,he replied ."I'm sorry,but we don't even know each other"

She smiled a sad smile,why am I even said or did I really expect that he says yes.She questioned herself internally.

You're such a big fool,her subconscious said and She mentally scolded herself.
To justify what she said,she made a snap of the game we were playing and send it to him.

"Here,I'm sorry and you're right ....you're just a victim of the game we are playing,please just forget I ever said that"She captioned.

Who knows you might say that again,my inner voice said.
"Chill girl and enjoy the game,we'll talk later if you don't sleep early"he replied."Sure",I replied

They continue the game and it's fateemah turn,and I dared the dumbo.So she ask fateemah to cook noodles with eggs and serve it to the security guy outside her house while she confesses her love for him or she'll take us out for five weekend and bills on her.The stingy fateemah will do the former than the later and she agreed to do just that.

She cooked the noodles and they all accompanied her to serve the security guy,while they  take videos.At first he was shocked but then he fall for it and was acting along.You should have seen fateemah's face.

"Hey faty didn't I tell you I'll have the last laugh"
"Yenyenyen yen "she said sounding annoyed as she walked away.

They all went back into the house and started getting ready to watch a movie ,it's a bolly movie 'Malang'.

While they all sat down,Nafeesah for one look forward to chatting with Nafiu.
Thirty minutes through the movie,She wasn't enjoying it because She couldn't understand a thing so she zoned into her own world crowded with fantasies and all.

She heard her phone ping ,and that's a cue for her heart to somersault and smile at the same time.

"Hey,it's the game night over "he asked "Yeah,it is ...and sorry about earlier "I apologized again

"We are friends,so don't ever apologize because friends don't say sorry and thank you ",he replied and this time around herheart swell up in awe ,what a gentleman...She thought.

"Okay but when did you become friends "she questioned"Oh my bad,I forgot to ask you ...be my friend please"he pleaded.She can't help but imagine how cute he'll look when he's asking while pouting.
"Okay friends then"I inserted an emoji grinning. She replied

"So friend how was your day?",She asked ."  "Alhamdulillah busy and stressed as usual,thanks for asking ""Sorry about that but try to rest,its important for body and mind,"Nafeesah urged
"Sure you are right,I'll retire for the night now",he replied.

She checked the time and its pass 2am,"Sleep well dear"she message back"Sure night night".

Before slept kept she kept replaying all the messages he sent her and butterflies erupted her stomach,maybe she could fall for him.Stupid girl you see your life ,shey guy wey you meet online you want fall for,her subscious warned.


After subhi prayer,she did her azkhar and then opened instagram to check for messages.There was none,so she decided to view stories or maybe just a story,it has become more of a habit than a routine and now she have her favorite instagram story'Nafiu's '.She tap the story icon and his story played,it was a video of him driving in the lone and silent streets with dim yellow light from the streets light,it was 24 minutes ago.

"Bro you just coming back from the mosque,ma sha Allah ",She send him a message."Morning to you too sweetie "he replied and she blushed knowing the guy practically uses endearments to address her.

"Oh it's morning,how are you "?,hope you've rest well after you snitched on me,she replied back"I'm sorry,I was hungry...had go hunt for food"he said
"Yeah I get it,perks of being a bachelor "She replied with a laughing emoji.Suddenly she imagined herself cooking for him before pushing away the thought like a hopeless dream of some sort.
"And who said I'm single,I have a wife"he replied.The moment her eyes met that very statement her heart shattered into a million pieces before,— but why should she feel that way?,if anything they're nothing but 'just friends'.

As if he could sense the disappointment in her,he texted her again seeing she didn't reply the former message."Is someone here jealous?,seriously".She was jealous truly,but she dare not utter such things to him."No I'm not,why will I be jealous"?,she replied."Lol,I'll hire a cook soon don't worry"he replied.He was convinced she got jealous,—girls,he'll never understand them he thought.

They continued to chat as he asked her to tell more about herself and  ended up telling him all the basic information about her,they  had a good talk about life and all ,and also had laughs in between too.She was too happy and he was too,whoever he is it's crystal clear he's a good and a gentleman.She has never trusted someone on such a short notice like the way she's trusted him,she feels she's found a mirror she can see herself in him.

Now that it's almost 9:30am in the morning,she was so sleepy and he is too,so they bade each other a goodbye because they all have to have their power nap ,She have class by 11:00 am and he has a meeting by 11 too.He promise he'll talk to day later  in the day before she went offline and slept off.It's gonna be a long day because she's got classes later in the day.

Dear beautiful readers,I hope you like this chapter.

Now that Nafeesa and Nafiu are friends,let's see how this friendship soar.

Let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments box.

Everything in this book is true except for the facts that it was all made up.

Love Islaha

Second Chance Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora