21; Healing ,but not letting go

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All the tragedy that happened to Nafeesa two years ago was slowly becoming a faded memory.The girl has proved to have gotten her life back, despite all that Nafeesa firmly believes that in اِنَّ مَعَ الۡعُسۡرِ يُسۡرًا.

{"Verily with diffulty comes ease"}.

There's family support,love and care,then there's her faith in Allah,these are what held her through these two years,it made her more ,and to appreciate life.After the ordeal she went through Nafiu got married, her family moved to London and there she began life on a fresh slate.

She graduated a year later,since she's a transfer student and enjoyed her life a bit more with the free time she got.Nafeesa managed to become a spoilt brat,as her father pampers her to the rotten level, she's such a daddy's girl which made her mum always complains Seems their sore phase of life is over.

The pretty damsel got eligible bachelors attention,but Nafeesa will always turn them down.She's still learning to move on from her failed relationship,Nafiu still messaged her from time to time but she changed her number after moving to London.

Once in a while Nafeesa and her father have this conversation about relationship and marriage,but she always says 'i still love him and I'm struggling to move on',her dad will only nod as to assure it's fine ,time can heal even the deepest wounds.

If Hajiya Fateemah were to hear the reason her daughter turn down all the men that came for her,they will definitely be at loggerheads.

Perhaps that's daddy and Nafeesa's secret.

Luckily when life was sour she didn't get depressed,and thanks to her friend Hanan and Tariq -Nafiu's brother who stood by her.

Tariq is now her best friend even though sometimes his behaviour are like that of Nafiu,afterall they're brothers,but she always seem happy around him.

Mention museum visits,concerts,villages,fresher markets, painting classes, cooking classes, picnics and whatnot,Tariq and Hanan were always there with her,and for her.

And when it comes to her Deen, Tariq always says;"Addua takobin mumini",( prayer is the shield of the believer),he helped her in that expect as he is so learned hence Nafeesa call him 'Ya shehi' or 'shehu' sometimes.

Nafeesa spoke with her relationship coach twice every week,she believes talking to someone will help her move on easily,but Mary her coach is rather making her to believe more in love,the little emotions she has for Nafiu is becoming intense slowly.

Sometimes she cries while other times she pat her self on her shoulder as say 'whats meant for you will find you',while on some days she regret knowing that he'll only ever be a memory in her life.

But seemingly,they say there's nothing powerful in this world like the power of unrequited love.To her it's her driving force.

Nafeesah is lovestruck,and she believes she is truly sick as Imam said ' love is a disease and it's only cure is marrying the one you love' , seemingly,the girl believes she's isn't ever going to get cured,as the one she loves isn't with her anynore and yet she still can't fathom the zeal to love another.

Anyway,her life has taken a new form, and she's embracing it, at least she's Hale and hearty,then she's got her family with her, and the unwavering support from Tariq and Hanan.

But what's worth it at the end is that she has healed in these two years from the things she doesn't speak of,from the love she doesn't get back.

Tariq would always tell her;"You're strong, you're Bold,you're resilient,but most importantly you're good hearted and you've healed from your pain".

Nafeesah would smiled to the thought of how good Tariq thinks of her,at least he doesn't see her as a hopeless romantics, because if anyone could hear the things she whispers in her heart for his brother,then they'll definitely know she's a lost case.

Subsequently,Peace of mind now settled in her,she didn't let go because she was still holding onto him,even if it's just a little.Maybe, it's her intuition but something is making her keep the feelings she has for him alive.

Nafeesah has always believed Allah is testing her ,but the biggest test of her life is accepting she has to let go of Nafiu,No why would she?,the man she mentions in her every sujud-yes all the time,she takes his name on her lips,the one she's always praying for,she always knew the man is well settled in her heart,and mind and everywhere she is.

Healing was necessary,but letting go was never easy,or she never actually let go.

Nafiu fought his way out of depression,he was truly hurt by how his marriage turned out,every time his ex wife tried to reach him,he feels the anguish afresh hence he blocked her number and social media.

The year has turned out not in his favour,but he's healing slowly, becoming more prayerful and figuring out his way out of the web of mess he was trapped in.

Despite all the situation of pain,Nafiu kept in thought his beloved Nafeesah, cherishing the moment they spend together, probably this is what helped him hold his shit together.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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