13; Let me love you

43 6 0

Abuja Nigeria
December 1st

Nafeesa's POV

Surprised to see Mi Tesoro calling her earlier,She didn't want to pick the call but she decided against that and answer his call,he sound different like back to his informal self,the person She's used to.

She spoke to his brother the famous Tareeq his brother kept talking about how he likes her and she wasn't disappointed because she could sense they 'll get along in case he might be her in-law someday.

Since Nafiu's call 3 days ago ,her mood has lifted and she's on high spirits.He called her 3 days earlier to have a conversation of understanding .

*flash back,3 days earlier *

She was sitting on her bed around 9:45 pm when her phone rang ,it was Nafiu's called ....She knew he's about to say something maybe a decision he's made.

"Salaam Naaf "

"Wa Alaykum my treasure "

"Umm,how are you,Ummi and Tareeq and Ya Mama too"

"Alhamdulillah,we all are good"

"Ma sha Allah "
"How's Mummy,Tasneem and Amani?"

"They are all good


There was silence from both ends,theyvboth kept quiet with no one speaking only their breaths sync into a rhythm.After minutes of silence he spoke up,maybe he's muster some courage.

"Nafeesah"he called her real name for the first time and it made her anxious.

"Na'am "she managed to say

"I'm sorry,please forgive me"

"But why are you apologizing and what for,even if you've hurt me I've already forgiven you long ago"

"No Naaf,I turned you down and tried to run away from your feelings and mine as well"

She listen to the man attentively as he continued speaking;

"The only reason why I turned you down is only because I'm afraid of hurting your innocence,and I didn't even think to give my heart a chance "

"Mi Tesoro,I also have been hurt,I've been hurt by love ...but with you I broke the walls I managed to build around my fragile heart,I tried to give myself a chance "

"Nafeesah I love you "he blurted

"Let me love you please" he pleaded,she certainly believes she is dreaming.

Shock and bewilderment is what she was enveloped in ,her subscious was just saying he played hard to get but then come to think of it again ,he's only trying to protect her fragile heart.In seconds her heart stirred back all the beautiful emotions she had for him now waiting to show him what it meant to be love by her.

"Are you still here my darling "she gushed hearing him refer to her as his darling...now the word darling is sexy since it's coming from him.

"Yes I'm here"

"Mi Tesoro I love you,I knew I liked you since the first day we started speaking,but I began loving you the day I saved you from falling at the dinner party,I see you everywhere,even when I close my eyes it's you I see ...please forgive me for turning you down and please let me love you ,now I realize you're the only thing missing in my life,please complete me with your love and fill the void in my heart,please i need to be loved by you"

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