17; His fate,an unexpected alliance.

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Six freaking months has passed just like that,life isn't the same for Nafeesa's loved one.Not everyone can explain the feelings of hanging on like standing on a strand of hair and hoping not to slip,this certain family are conversant with such fear,but it is the same they never get used to it.

For Nafiu his fears are becoming much each passing day,since these few passing months his uncles were on his neck for him to settle, he's just a man who can't defy his elders but at the same time pleading with time to be on his side in the serious battle.

"Nafeesa wake up please,do this favour for me"that's what he always murmured as if she was hearing him but to keep his fate alive he subconsciously take to her,even in absentia.

6 months 2 weeks,their faces have turned pale with grief, the doctors are discussing further measures to proceed for Nafeesa's treatment.Hajiya Fateema knew what's next for her Daughter,but he's a mother before a doctor,she couldn't fathom the heartwrenching thought of the current situation,and perhaps this situation reminded her of the hadith --"Allah(SWT) will test us with what we love",and then she quickly made a dua to pass his test and shower his blessings upon them.

Nafiu,Tariq and Umma flew to Abuja to see Nafeesah and stay for a few days with them during this stuff phase,almost everyone knows what it meant when they turned off the life supporting machine on a patient.

Upon the Muhammads arrival,the family hugged each other especially Nafeesa's mum Hajiya Fateemah,she hugged Umma as if her life depends on the certain hug,she's a believer of Qadr,they all are,-but having your loved ones support is like having hope,and reassurance that its all gonna be okay.

Friday to Wednesday they family as a whole had their fingers crossed,it's freaking them out,the secretly breaking down while being strong for each other.

9:00 am

After certain formalities,the doctors talk to the family who were sucked in their tears, "does this mean there's no hope for My Nafeesah",her mum asked no one in particular.

"Mummy you know you can't say that,there's still hope",Nafiu reassured her.

Anguish,despair and fear enveloped them at this certain moment.

The doctor went in,checked her vitals and charted their findings,After that the turned off the life supporting machine.

If stoic is a person,then it's definitely Nafiu.

How can someone be this strong,he went in and prayed for her. "Listen baby,we haven't lose all for you,you'll be fine in sha Allah"

The next day Nafiu and his family went back to kano.

"Have you heard of the alliance"? Ya mama asked,the quizzical Nafiu couldn't piece together what his older sister was saying.

"Anty Fatima what alliance",I have no idea he said following her deep into sitting hall.The thickness of her silence can break an armour making her brother more anxious.

"Bro,Uncle Tijjani has fixed an alliance with friends Alhaji Usman for you and his daughter",she looked at her bro eyes as if asking if she should continue speaking which she did anyways, "Apparently his daughter Amina was set to marry her cousin whom she didn't like and never got along with,because she liked you and no one else,so this morning she was found unconscious because she slit her wrist,she'd rather die than to marry anyone else than you",Ya Fatima stopped talking.

"Ya Subhanallah!,why me!!??,Anty Fatima can't",he suddenly burst into a cloudbursts of tears,tears he's been holding back for more than 6 months,now life has really got messier-why a new plot twist in his life,he cried shakingly .

Fatima hugged her younger brother and console him, "you'll definitely pass this test,don't be such a newborn and cry so much",Umma who was watching the scene burst into a melodious laughter while she wiped out the lone tear at the corner of her eyes.She hugged and prayed for Nafiu to be happy again.

After meeting with his uncles,he pleaded to give him time to clear his head,one thing he knows is he can't say no,as his late father has saddled their lives decision to his brother before he passed on.

Umma spoke to Nafeesa's family about the situation at hand,and she supported them and wasn't at all unhappy with Nafiu getting married to another other than her own daughter.

"Whatever is meant to be yours will find you,Of Nafiu is meant to be Nafeesa's he marry her someday,Nafiu is my son too and he has been unhappy for a long while,I pray Amina makes him happy,May Allah bless them both".

Even after everything Nafiu still feels guilty marrying someone else.Nafeesa's parents send so many gift to Nafiu,according to them - how can we not show love to our son by sending gifts and prayers.

The Muhammads have been up and helter skelter for the Nafiu and Amina's wedding ever since he said yes.

During the past one month they got to know a bit about each other,and they are set to tie the knot next week Friday.

I don't know how to even feel,but this isn't betrayal mind you.

At the end what's meant for you will find you!!

So guys let's do something interactive,let's talk in the comments,and know each other.

Love Islaha_x.

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