11; Shot your shoot,and ruin your friendship.

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A week later!

      I don't know if a little birdie told you,but Nafeesa's relationship with Nafiu is about to sail.Now all she knows is that she loves the guy and it's unexplainable.Like a wild fire spreading through a forest,this guy sets her heart on a blazing fire.

Time and again she felt that she's never had such strong emotions for anyone.Nafiu is the type of person that reminds her of summertime,Ice cones,sunshine,beach waves,night shows,love songs and he's the reason why she still have heart emojis in her iPhone.

Amidst all this feelings is self conscious,and fear of rejection because she's have made up het mind to actually confess to him about how she feels about him.It's about getting want she wants and she could be nuts for such phases unless her goal has been achieved.

Moreover she's a girl and she's allowed to have a choice,one of the reasons she does not get along with her father is of this same reason.She tend to go for things she want,so confessing her feelings isn't a first.She feels she's a woman who wants to have her own stand and now she has made up her mind to tell Nafiu,she'll move on if she's rejected ,She know she's used to pain and hurt but no she's not used to pain ,She just want to be happy.

She paced up and down in her room practicing what to tell him,She didn't even know if  she should say it on a call or via a chat,but was locked up in her  room practicing however;

"I want to tell you that you're that one I think of everyday,if you'd allow it can I be the one whom you tell how your day went at the end of the day"

Tsk tsk Tsk,this won't work ...She massaged her temples and sat at the end of the bed,trying again.

"Nafiu I just wanna tell you that you're the weirdest thing that happened to me, I love you"

She  groaned and threw her arms in a defeated manner,how imma gonna do this now,she thought and walked to the window thinking of how to go about the whole thingy.She took deep breathes,nervousness was felt all these hours passing by.

She grabbed her phone and unlocked it.She clicked the photos app and went to favorites folder where all of Nafiu's photos are,she looked at the photos with so much intensity,then she began to express the feelings of the heart.

"Dear Nafiu,I know we have been good friends and I appreciate the bond between us.If I could say a thing is to actually ask if we could be much more closer in togetherness.If you'd allow I like to be your go to person, I want be your happy place,I'm imperfect but I promise to be as reliable as your sisters,I'd want to be around the clock for you,in happiness,sorrow,sickness and heartiness.I'm on my knees with my heart and confidence too,please give me a chance to love you ".

She think this will do,she will definitely send this over a chat,she looked at his photo one more time and smile.She kept the phone and she performed ablution and pray and whatever Nafiu decides she'll accept it with good fate.

She lazy around the house waiting for time to pass and night to fall,tonight she'll confess her love and lift this burden off her tiny chest.

She went down the kitchen ,and just decided to cook to pass time.Since her siblings and mum went to a birthday party that house was quite and she does  not like it.It making her feel more anxious,so she played this song 'Dandelions',I sang along and cooked with an enlivened mood.

Her ringtone blared from the speaker of the phone,so she  cleaned her hands and picked the call ,it was Mi Tesoro calling.

"Assalaam my treasure "

"Wa Alayka salaam Mi Tesoro "

"How are you?"

"Alhamdulillah,how is my treasure doing too?"

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