chapter 2

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Jk pov.

Seriously these fuvking punks really have to do something to anger me to punish them.....uwuuuuu.
"This blood suits ur face sooo much"
Said jk while laughing.

"P-please mr...j-j-jeon i don't even k-know what did I do" said the man in torture room.

"Omooo you don' impolite of me not to tell you. But i guess it's good if you don't know .. moreover you will have something to talk about with demon in hell hahahaha right boiissss" said jk while smirking.

Everyone laughed a little in the room without any voice..they didn't dare to.

Suddenly the sound of phone ring heard in the room.
Jk cleaned his hands and jb one of his trusted man gave him his phone and again everyone controlled their smiles when his aura changed.

"Yaah brat give the phone to my pretty wife"

"Naahh . . .my pretty mumma is tired so u better come and pick us up urself Mr oldy"

"I regret when i smiled the day u were born"

"And i regret to make u smile that's why i am improving myself paa" said Jungguk laughing.

And jk laughed too but till that time he was already out of the room and googie gave the phone to his mumma.

" Heyy koo.... please come fast ...i wanna sleep sooo bad" his voice already tired.

"Baby u shouldn't overwork urself uk that right.. u can take leave anytime u want because the hospital is mine" said jk proudly.

"Yea yea whatever koo but come you"

"Love you too baby"


In the hospital

Walking with his whole cold aura jk walked towards his husband's cavin.

"Here i missed me right babyyyyy"
Said jk while whining.

"No he didn't so u better don't make my ears bleed with that ugly sound"
Said Jungguk disgustingly.

"Okok guys let's goooo"


On the road
The jeon family is going to their mansion and Taetae suddenly started craving for ice cream....and he screamed stoooopppp.....mood swings??





Naaaa it's because it's ice cream.... everyone loves Ice cream 😌😌.

So now their destination is ice cream parlour.

"I want mint choco"
"How can u be my son" said Taetae weirdly..
"Maaaaaaa stop ittt"
Jk just laughed at their behaviours and said i already told you baby.

And the family ate their ice cream and now were going back towards the car.

They heard something.
Like some muffling sounds from the alley little far.
"Koo do u think we should check"

" Not we" shouted both the other guys.

Tae sighed nooo if someone is going then we both are.
"Both" again the other two said.

"Yess me and koo" tae said finally..
" No mumma me and appa are going you wait here"
And jk nodded and they both went.

And they saw two bluff men trying to touch a small figure.
And the small figure is crying and trying to push them away...

Who do u think this small figure is??

Finally I wrote next ch.

Hehe heyy and biiee again

Tell ur response in comments too.

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