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"And I think that is a good place to end today" Mr Rowling said ending out Literature History class, I began to collect up all my things to head out where I knew a certain boy would be 

As I left I saw Jake in his usual spot leaning up against the wall waiting for me to finish. It's been a month since everything happened with Toby and since then, Jake has met me every lesson without fail

"Hey" I smiled making him look up at me sharing the smile
"hey you, was it a good lesson?" Jake asked throwing his arm over my shoulder making me nod
"What did you just have?" i asked making him chuckle
"Health Care" He finished. He knew my rota like the back of his hand but I guess I don't know his as much as I thought I would 

"When are you guys going to bit the bullet and get together" Jess teased as we walked outside to meet everyone in our usual spot
While the weather is lovely, we've been attempting to spend as much time as we can outside

"On that note I'm going to get something to eat" I said attempting to avoid this awkward conversation but it was clear it would continue when Jess and Kia followed me 

"You know as much as I love you girls. What's with the relationship talk?" I asked making them bite their lip. Clearly I was not in the loop right now
"Spill" I said placing my hand on my hips
Jess looked to Kia making it obvious this was her news to share

"you seeee" She said trying to prolong the answer
"Dan and I may have started to date and Jake is just a little protective so you know if he was distracted to you it wouldn't be a big-" She started making me roll my eyes causing her to stop 
"Look, Jake and I aren't together. I don't that relationship thing but I will talk to him later okay?" I offered

"It'll loosen the blow coming from Anna anyway" Jess said as the food finally arrived, Kia squealed pulling me into a tight hug before we headed back over to the boys

"Oooh Thankyouuuu" Jake sung as I handed him some food knowing full well he would not have eaten yet today
I glanced over at Kia and Dan who were subtly smiling at each other in their own little world 

But I have no idea how Jake is going to react 



"Oii squirt!" We heard someone practically scream. The moment that we heard it all of us turned to see a tall blonde stood by the fence looking directly at us
Nobody around the table noticed who it was until Annabelle's eyes landed on him 
The second they did her legs took flight and she was running over to him

"Who is that?" Luke asked and I shrugged 
"Did we ever clarify if she was single?" Dan asked making me glare at him 
If you had asked me a couple days ago I would have been adamant that Annabelle was single 

But as soon as she got over to the guy, he picked her up spinning her around before they shared one of the longest hugs I've ever seen 
"That doesn't look like a friend thing you know" Kia muttered making me glare at her again 

It felt like Annabelle had been gone for ages but her and this blonde clearly had a lot to talk about
But sure enough, she was soon back with us leaving the blonde to walk away

"Anna, who was that?" Jessica asked the big question
"That was David. I grew up next door to him, he's sort of the big brother I never got" She smiled smitten. I raised my brow at the boys to prove they were just putting things into my head expecting a reaction
"That's sweet you know" Kia smiled
"Yeah, he's something" Anna chuckled before glancing at me with a small smile 


Later that evening Annabelle and I got back to the dorm. Now I've spent day in and day out with this girl for the last month and I know when something is up
I know when something is playing on her mine
"What is up with you?" I asked perching in the end of her bed

Annabelle looked up at me lightly before shaking her head trying to play it off
"nothing?" She questioned making me give her a look. Now this look, it easily makes Anna tell exactly what I want to hear - Whether she likes it or not 
She sighs taking a seat next to me earning a confused look

"You aren't allowed to kill him alright?" She asked making me look at her with a wide eye
"That's not the best way to start A" I warned her 
"What is going on?" I asked, she sighed nodding
"Kia and Dan are dating" She said

That's all I needed to rise to my feet heading straight to the front door but for someone so small, Annabelle is fast
She was the one thing standing in my way right now

"Annabelle, move" I warned her but she firmly shook here head 
"Why are you stopping me!" I yelled making her jump a little but it didn't falter her. She placed a gentle hand against my cheek stroking it softly in the attempt to calm me down
And any other day, i would have probably worked 

"Leave them be Jake, let them be happy" She whispered making me look at her, her baby blues locked on mine with the ounce of hope that I'll listen to her
"That's my baby sister A" I warned her but she sighed making me look at her again
"Let them be" She whispered again 

"for me?" She asked making me look at her all over again, something about those two words has the same affect as the look I give her. She knows it'll work but she won't use it often 

"I swear A, if he hurts her you are solely responsible" I said making her giggle and nod at the same time, I shook my head at her grabbing her arms and throwing her over my shoulder causing that giggle to soon turn into a squeal 

"Put me down you butthole" She yelled making me burst out laughing
"In the month I've known you, I think your insults are getting worse Anna" I teased causing a pout to fall on her lips as I put her down

For someone so sweet and innocent. She's a big baby at heart 

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