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Dad had fallen asleep after a very long talk about Jake, Dad was more curious then I thought he would ever be 
But regardless, I slowly left him to sleep heading back to the Living room where David sat watching Tv

"Hey" He said as I sat next to him
"Hey, how are things? I feel like we haven't spoken in ages" I said making him chuckle
"Things are good squirt. Meg and I are great, she's moving in next month" He said making me smile 
David and Meghan have been together since they were 16 and both are due to turn 22 in the coming months 

"I'm glad your happy" I smiled hugging him making him chuckle
"From what I've seen on your Instagram, so are you miss" He said poking my sides making me squirm 
"Yeah yeah, I know you've told Dad all about it" I said making him laugh

Jake had text me earlier on today while I was sat talking to Dad. I was going to reply then and there but I wanted to use my time with Dad wisely
As I went to lift my phone up to reply there was a knock at the door
"Can you grab it?" David said making me roll my eyes
"you're just as lazy as I remember D" I said but did not hear a response from him 

I got over to the door opening it revealing the last person I thought I would see standing there, but also the one person I hoped it would have been..

"Jake!" I squealed jumping into his arms as I heard his usual chuckle as he hugged me back
"There she is" He smiled picking me up hugging me a little tighter 

"What are you doing here?" I asked cupping both of his cheeks in my hands
"I couldn't let you do this alone. So I reached out to David" He chuckled before pressing out lips together 

Jake and I walked back into the house sitting in the same position I had just sat in with David
"you knew about this?" I asked pointing at him making David laugh
"Of course I did kiddo, I know everything" David smirked making me roll my eyes 

"It's great to meet you dude" Jake said shaking David's hand 
"You too man, it's incredible seeing Annie this happy" He said making me bit my lip looking at the pair of them before Jake threw an arm around me 

"So you're the guy who A calls her big brother huh?" Jake said making David look at me with a smirk
"Aww Annie is that what you call me" He said making me roll my eyes
"don't make me take it back" I warned him
"like you ever would" David continued to tease 

What have I got myself into now..


A few hours had past and the boys were full invested in teasing me so the best thing I could think of was to separate the two
"Daddy, I have someone for you to meet" I said walking in with Jake just behind me
"Peach, is this who I think it is" Dad asked looking at Jake 

I nodded pushing Jake forward slightly making him look like a deer in the headlights
"Dad this is Jake, Jake this is my Dad" I smiled introducing the pair
"It's great to finally meet you Mr Peters, Annabelle speaks very highly of you" Jake said shaking his hand
"Please son, Call me James. My daughter speaks highly of you too. I'm happy she's finally found someone who I can trust to look after her while I'm not here" Dad explained making Jake nod

"Can we not talk like that please? you aren't going anywhere" I said making Dad sigh at me
"Princess you know it's only a matter of time before it happens. I love you to pieces but you'll only hurt yourself more if you keep your head thinking that it's all fine" he said, I sighed looking down 

It wasn't long until Jake was by my side with his arm wrapped around me
"It's okay A" Jake whispered kissing the top of my head quickly
"It'll be alright Princess, you're the strongest girl I've ever met" Dad said making me look over at him before rushing over for another hug 

At the end of the day, how many more hugs am I really going to get.. 

Jake and I headed back to my house later that afternoon, this place hadn't changed much since I last saw it before I went off to College. It was the same muted colours walls covered in photos of Dad and I. Photos that will soon be only thing I have left to remember him by..

"He's right you know" Jake said coming over wrapping his arms around my waist kissing the back of my head as he looked over the photos with me
"hmm?" I questioned cuddling back into him slightly

"Your Dad, he's right A. You're strong and you will get through this no matter the outcome" He whispered
"And I'll be by your side every step of the way" Jake said kissing my cheek again 

I turned to look at him, watching as his eyes looked at mine trying to guess my next move
But what was about to happen, I don't think any of us expected

"I love you" I whispered making him look at me slightly wide eyed before a smile crept onto his face

"I love you too A" he smiled pressing his lips against mine 

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