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The rest of us were sat in the common room talking, the events that just took place were certainly not what we were expecting on a Thursday afternoon
"I cannot believe Luke" Kieran said making us all nod in agreement

After Jake and Luke had a massive screaming match, the both ran off in the attempt to find Annabelle..
"Who do you think will find her?" Dan asked making both Kia and I share a look before nodding
"Jake" We both said in unison 

"you think?" Kieran asked 
"easily, the pair of them share a brain half of the time" I joked making everyone chuckle lightly 

None of us had heard anything from either of the boys or Annabelle, it was starting to get late but the second we were about to call it a night, a small figure made her way back into the common room

"Hey girlie" I said as she came and sat in between Kia and I
"Hey" she replied emotionless, this is a first. I've never seen Annabelle like this 
"The boys are looking for you" Dan said making Annabelle nod 

"I know" She muttered looking down at her hands, I sent Jake a text.. He of all people should know that she's safe
I don't know what is going on with Luke. But I don't like it 
That is no the Luke I grew up across the road from 

Moments after sending the text, Jake walks in making Annabelle look up but as quick as she did that, she looked back to the floor just as fast 

"A" Jake breathed out but Annabelle looked at Kia and I before speaking
"Can I talk to you two" She asked making us both look at Jake before nodding.
We followed Anna away from the boys until she was at a comfortable distance before turning to us 

"Can I spend the night in one of your rooms?" She asked making us both sigh
"Why Anna?" Kia asked
"I just can't" she whispered looking over her shoulder at Jake

"This whole situation is out of hand and I don't know what I'm meant to do" She explained making us both sigh
"You know we would if we could but we get random checks and knowing your luck.. it'll be the one night you stay" Kia said making her sigh nodding, she slowly started walking back to the sofa where she continued to avoid Jake's gaze

"What's you plan then Kia" I smirked looking over at my partner in crime. I knew this girl like the back of my hand 

If anyone was plotting anything right now, it would be here
The smirk on her face merely confirmed it

"I knew it" I said making her wink before we both walked back over to the gang 



Jake and I got back to the dorms shortly after the girls and I finished talking. He headed straight for a shower after I still hadn't talked to him.
As much as it physically hurts not being able to turn to him, I need to let what ever this is go..

'Dear Diary, 

I don't understand what happened. I don't understand how something can go from being so perfect and amazing one moment to this atomic explosion it is now 

I told myself that I would never get myself in this situation again. I told myself I would never allow myself to get any type of feelings for anyone
Yet here I am crying over the fear of him not liking me back

Jake is the cliché type of guy that everyone would like the moment you see him. 
He's the type of guy who could have anyone he wanted to and I know for a fact I would never made the cut..

I never meant for this to happen, Jake is my best friend, my roommate but somewhere amongst this mess, something happened 
Something switched 

Jake is the guy who is always there when I need  someone, no questions asked
He is able to stop my nightmares in the blink of an eye
I trust him whole heartedly 

But tell me why that boy has managed to get the one girl sworn off of relationships.. to actually want one?

-Annabelle ❤️

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