.Losing Him.

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How can things go from being perfect, to life throwing the biggest curve ball of my life 
In the space of 24 hours, my entire life has come crashing down and I don't think it's going to get any better 

I sighed, pulling into the driveway of the house that I've spent my entire life in. The aftermath of all of this could quite easily be my breaking point
And I don't think I was ready 

As I approached the door my phone went off signalling a text message, I lifted my phone to see it was David 

'When you are settled, come on over. The door is open x'

I glanced over at the house next door knowing the moment I stepped foot inside, I was accepting that this was happening, that this could be the end..



The next morning, I rolled over. Flinging my arm out to reach Annabelle just to be able to pull her close
But the moment my arm met with the mattress, I knew that something was up

I lifted my body looking around to see Anna's side of the dorm a mess. Like she had rummage through all of her things before running off, merely confusing me more

"Have any of you seen Anna?" I asked walking into the common room that morning, everyone lifted their heads before shaking them in confusion
"What's going on?" Kia asked making me shrug

"I don't have a clue, I woke up this morning and she was here. Her side is a mess meaning where ever she is.. she was in a rush" I sighed making them only that much more confused
As much as I would have loved to explain it more, I had bigger things to be worrying about.. 
like where the hell A had ran off to 

As I approached the dorm again, the moment I walked in I noticed an envelope on the coffee table. I must have missed it when I ran out this morning
I approached the envelope picking it up into my hands as I took a seat on the sofa in front of it 

'Hey Jake, 

I know you are probably worried, confused, or all of these above. I know me leaving will have come to a shock to you but just know.. I am coming back okay?

I've had to go home for a little while. My Dad has been sick for many many years and he seems to have taken a turn for the worst. So to be on the safe side, I'll be staying here until he improves

I'll call you later tonight

See you soon 

A x'

At least that answers the question of where she was, but it's left me with a bunch of other questions.. like why couldn't she tell me her dad was sick? Why didn't she wake me up?
I would have gone with her in a heartbeat..

This isn't something she should be going through on her own 



"Hey" I said to David as I walked into the house
Dad had been living here since I moved away to college, even before then.. David was practically living at ours
David has been the biggest saving grace when it came to this family. I just hope when the worst happens.. that isn't going to change 

I walked through the house until I came to the room at the end of the corridor, the one I knew belonged to my dad 
As soon as I opened the door, I was met with his pale body, he was here sure.. but he wasn't fully here

Seeing him like this only breaks my heart that much more..

"Daddy" I said with a break in my voice as a few tears fell, Dad opened his eyes to look at me with a sympathetic smile
"Hey Princess" He said opening his arms slowly, I did not need to be asked twice before I fell into them

Dad was the only family I had left. After Mum passed away when I was 3, it's always just been Dad and I..
Now he could be leaving too leaving me all on my own
We're supposed to have more time with our parents.. this isn't fair at all 

"I don't want you to go" I whispered making Dad look at me but the look on his face was only solidify what I was most scared off
"You are young to be okay Peach, I promise" He said but I shook my head
"You're going to have the happiest life, I did everything I possibly could to make sure you have everything you need even when I am not here" He said making me look at him confused

"What do you mean?" I asked making him smile
"That business of mine, I sold it right as I knew I was getting sick and it's a good thing I did. I think if I was to right now I would never have gotten half of what I did" He continued

"The house was also moved over to be in your name when you went off to college" He said making me widen my eyes slightly, He did all of that? for me..? 

"Daddy you can't leave yet, there is still so much we need to do, so many people you need to meet" I breathed out making him smile 
"He makes you happy doesn't he" Dad said making me bit my lip

"I know all about Jake Peach, David keeps me very up to date with all of your college antics" He teased squeezing my hand
"Seeing all the photos and videos of you and Jake, you seemed like the happiest I had seen you in years Peach" he smiled 

"I am" I whispered making him smile
"So tell me about him" He smile looking at me

There is no guy like my Dad, I really can't stomach the thought of losing him..

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