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2 Weeks Later 

It was almost 1AM, Annabelle lay next to me asleep. Over the last couple of weeks it seems to have become the new normal that she stays in my bed and I'm not complaining
Every time she's tried to be independent and sleep on her own it ended with her waking up screaming 
These nightmares are hitting her hard..

I've done everything I can to try and track down that little boy but so far he's good at hiding, but he's luck is going to run out and then his ass is mine 

As I glanced over at Annabelle, I can see her eyes screwed together tightly while she became to stir in her sleep, another nightmare 

I place my phone down on the nightstand before laying behind her pulling her in close as I wrapped my arms around he waist
The moment she was in my arm I gently placed a kiss on her cheek making her instantly relax into my arms

She does not deserve this..

"Morning" I said as I see Annabelle slowly stir from her sleep the next morning, she turns and smiles at me as I wrap another around her 
"morning Jake" She whispered in the same morning voice that I've grown to adore

Before I could reply she smiled once more getting out of bed heading straight to the bathroom
The gang were meaning to coming over and joining us but I don't know part of me wishes it could have just been a day with just Annabelle and I
But there was also something I needed to do today



I walked out of the bathroom anticipating that Jake would have most likely still be in his bed but I was surprised to see it empty
"Jake?" I called, there was no response and as big as the dorm is. He would have heard me if he was here 

Everyone started to arrive and there was still no sign of Jake, it's almost as if he vanished without a second glance
"where is that brother of mine?" Kia asked making me shrug
"your guess is as good as mine" I said making her pull a face before shrugging it off turning back to her boyfriend 

Seeing Kia and Dan or Jess and Kieran really makes me miss the idea of a relationship. That's not me saying I want one because I've promise myself I would never again
But I don't know it feels like something is missing 

It was now noon and Jake still MIA, none of us knew where he was or why he wasn't answering his phone
But I have a really bad feeling right now..

"Where do we even start looking?" Luke asked as we walked into the common room, I turned around not seeing him anyway. I didn't have a clue where to start if I've being honest

I continued to search the room until I locked eyes with someone, someone I never wanted to see again
"Toby" I whispered, I'm going to assume Jess heard me as she looked directly at him, I've managed to avoid him for the last 2 weeks but tell me why he's always around when Jake is nowhere to be seen

"I hope you are happy" He yelled coming over, the moment he got closer, Luke, Dan and Kieran pushed me behind them creating a small wall between us 
"What" I whispered making him motion to all the cuts and bruises on his face only confusing me even more
"How is that her fault?" Kia growled 

"That baboon of a boyfriend of hers did that 10 minutes ago" He said darkening his eyes at Kia making Dan take a step forward
"Don't make us finish off the job" He spat at Toby 

"Jake isn't my boyfriend but its not like you didn't deserve it" I muttered making his eyes narrow at me
"Quite playing your victim card Annabelle. What did I do that was so bad" He snapped making me widen my eyes slightly

"What did you do? What did you do!" I yelled attempting to push past the boys but they weren't about to let that happen 
"Two weeks ago! Mail Room! Need I go on! I'm having nightmare after nightmare because of you" I yelled back, he scoffed at me making me narrow my eyes at him

"deny it and I'll have your ass on a stick" I said pointing at him making him roll his eyes and walk away
As soon as he was out of sight, I noticed the gang were looking at me a little taken back
None of the had even heard about what happened 2 weeks ago.. Now I've just said it out loud..



I got back to the dorm after finally finishing what I had attempted to do every single day over the last 2 weeks, that boys luck ran out today and his hiding got sloppy..

As I got into the dorm I looked at my phone to see an array of calls from everyone, it doesn't surprise me that nobody was here when I got back.. I left them waiting for a long time 
After having a quick shower I got ready and was about to head meet everyone else 

But before I even got the chance to get my shoes on, Annabelle came running through the door, it was evident from her panicked expression that she was crying
"Woah what's wrong" I said running up to her, she looked at me a little wide eyes
"You beat up Toby" she cried making me look at her a little confused before pulling her in for a tight hug

 "He had it coming A, he couldn't get away with what he d-" I started but she shook her head pushing her hair out of her face
"But now the whole common room knows what he did, he came up to us and denied the whole thing" she cried
"i snapped, I told everything" she continued to panic
"Nobody is going to look at me the same" she continued to ramble

She was spiralling fast and it was all my fault, I looked at her watching as she continued to make her next point before I decided enough was enough
I looked at her catching her gaze for a moment

And that's all it took, the moment her eyes were locked on mine, I leant forward before gently pressing our lips together. Annabelle jump at first but soon softened into the kiss slowly calming herself down 

We slowly pulled away and the same blush was creeping up onto her face as she looked up at me
"Anyone that cares about you A, isn't going to care about what he did. If anyone and I mean anyone gives you trouble" I started 

"You let me know" I whispered placing my forehead against hers, she nodded gently closing her eyes as I placed a soft kiss on the top of her forehead again

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