.Moving Colleges.

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"Are you sure you want to be my partner? I understand if you had someone else in mind" Aubrey asked, I nodded to her again as we left our classroom
"Of course I do" I smiled as we headed back towards the dorms 
Jake would be out later at practice which gave Aubrey and I ample opportunity to work on our newest project

Things seem to have settled a little, Jake and I are a little hesitant when it comes to Luke still but he's still around us on the basis they all grew up together. One shitty outcome isn't going to change them

But he has been warned, that if he pulls anything like that again, he'll be gone quicker then he can say boo

"How you moved college's anyway?" I asked as we got to her dorm
"My parents and I moved away and I figured if I wanted to be able to manage on my own, a new college miles away would be my best bet" She laughed

"Helicopter parents got it" I said laughing with her
"How are you liking it so far?" I asked making her shrug
"It's still early days, you're the first person I've really spoken to so I tend to spend most of my time in my room" She said making me frown
Remember when I was like this the day I met Jake?

"Why don't you come hang out with some of my friends and I tonight?" I asked making her smile before agreeing 

Aubrey and I walked into my dorm to see everyone sat there looking at the door as it opened
"Woah would you look at that, Anna made a friend" Dan teased making me roll my eyes as I shut the door 
"hey A" Jake smiled kissing me as Aubrey and I took a seat on the sofa next to him

"guys this is Aubrey, Aubrey this is the gang. Jake, Luke, Kai, Dan, Jessica and Kieran" I said introducing them all one by one
"It's lovely to meet you all" Aubrey smiled tucking some of her hair behind her ear 

I glanced over at everyone as they all started to talk amongst themselves, there was one set of eyes drawn more towards Aubrey and it was the last person I thought it would be
"Why do I sense your about to play match maker" Jake asked matching my gaze as he kissed my temple

"I don't know what you are talking about" I smirked making him roll his eyes as I glanced back at Luke
His eyes hadn't let Aubrey since she got here, he almost looked smitten 
And the fact he was easily conversing with her was an even bigger plus 


Everyone slowly started leaving and the evening ended with Luke offering to walk Aubrey back to her dorm
"So Aubrey seems great" Jake smiled as we both fell back onto the sofa
"She really is, I think everyone is going to get on so well with her" I gushed making her smile
"Oh I don't doubt it" He laughed

"She's already one of the gang" He winked before rising to his feet again making me furrow my brows at him
"Where are you going?" I asked

But it was no use, he carried on walking until he got to his closet before retreating out to join me with a small bag in his hand 

"What's this?" I asked as he handed me the box
"Open it" He whispered sitting next to me with his arm draped behind me over the sofa

I furrowed by brows but sure enough listened to the instructions, I opened the bag to reveal a small white box making me glace at Jake even more confused 
It was full of little trinkets that he's collected over the last few months 

There were photos, many many photos. One of the night he put cream on my nose, a picture of when I fell asleep on his back
There were tickets from all the films we had seen together and all our bowling adventures 

But that wasn't all, there was also a letter in a small envelope at the bottom of the bag
"Open the letter" Jake chuckled wiping a tear from the side of my eye
I slowly nodded before opening the white envelope 

'Dear Annabelle, 

I'm not really sure where I am going with this, this is my first rodeo but there isn't anyone I would want to do this with at all 

You brought out this side to me that nobody as ever seen, hell I didn't even know it existed, I've never been a soppy guy, a romantic if you will
But when I'm around you, I wouldn't want to be anything else
You're able to melt my heart at the small sight of a smile 

I know things aren't going to be easy, I mean we already started on a bumpy ride but I know that we have this 
No matter what anyone throws at us 

So without further a do, there is something I need to ask you

Will you be my Girlfriend?'

I looked up from the letter to see Jake sat there looking a little anxious, this was the first time I had ever seen him like this and I don't think it will be the last
"Yes" I smiled 

The moment those three letters left my lips, Jake crashed his lips against mine making the pair of us fall backwards on the sofa until my back was firmly against the bottom of it 

This boy will be the end of me, but I wouldn't change it for the world

The Dorms (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now