.Not Going.

18 1 12

4:23AM - 1 Week Later 


"You two! Wake up!" Someone yelled, I quickly sat up to see David stood at the end of the bed 
"What's going on?" I questioned while shaking Jake to wake him up
"It's your Dad" He said making my heart sink
"His breathing is getting worse, he keeps having episodes of ineffective breathing. his doctor just got here and Anna" He started but I shook my head

"Don't say it" I whispered
"They don't think he's going to make it to daylight" He whispered 

The moment he said that, I left both boys behind running off to the house next door. I walked into Dad's room only to see him even more lifeless then the last time I saw him
"Daddy" I cried rushing over to him
"I don't think he'll last another hour Annabelle" The doctor said giving him a tap on the shoulder

That wasn't what I wanted nor needed to hear, as soon as he said that I broke down crying even more
"Peach" I heard someone whisper making me look up to see Dad looking at me

The pain, the worry and the fear in his eyes was enough to make my stomach churn
"Please don't leave me" I cried, Dad shook his head wiping one of my tears 
"Princess no crying, let's talk about something happy" Dad offered 

"Do you remember that time when you were 8, we went to the Cabin and you have a full blown tantrum while I unpacked the car?" He asked making me laugh lightly
"Yeah, Bunny and I were looking everywhere for you" I said making him smile

"What about the time you had your first school dance and you didn't like any of the dresses I chose" Dad said making me roll my eyes tucking a piece of hair behind my air
"They were ugly Daddy, no little girl wanted to have a massive blue bow on the front of their dress" I whined making him chuckle before he sighed

He took a hold of my hands giving them both a tight squeeze 
"I love you peach" he said 
"I love you too Daddy" I said gripping his hand tightly 

"I don't want you to leave" I said allowing a few more tears to fall, this time I didn't get a response from Dad, I squeeze my eyes tightly not wanted to accept what may have happened
I squeezed his hand again but all that happened was his grip on my hand loosened and became heavy making me snap my eyes open 

"Dad wake up" I said shaking him lightly
"Daddy please" I cried
"don't leave me" I said squeezing his hand tightly 

"I'm sorry Anna, he's gone" The doctor said making me look at him before looking back at Dad shaking my head frantically
"no! no he's not! Daddy come back, I'm not ready, I need you" I screamed
Jake came over wrapping his arms around me in the attempt to move me away but I shook myself out of his grip

"Come one Annie" David said but I shook my head
"I'm not leaving him! He's coming back!" I yelled at them both
"A please" Jake said 
"Jake, I'm not leaving him" I said 

"Annabelle, you need to go" The doctor said seeing that the boys were exhausting all their options
"I'm not going anywhere" I growled keeping my eyes on Dad hoping that his chest would rise again to prove to them all he was still here 

"The coroner will be here soon Annabelle, you do not want to see your Dad like that" The doctor said
"you can't do that! He's coming back" I yelled
"I'm so sorry Annabelle but he isn't" The doctor said making me shake my head
"Jake, get her out of here" I heard David say to Jake

"Jake don't touch me" I warned him making David 
"Annie, you ever let Jake drag you out of here or I will and I won't care how much you hi me" David said 
"Jake do it" David ordered

The moment Jake snaked his arms around me again, he picked me up and no matter how hard, I hit, kicked or how loud I screamed.. he was not putting me down
"Jake I need to go back! He could wake up" I screamed as he put me down in the hallway when we got back to my house

"Shhh Annabelle, It's okay. He's gone but it'll be alright" He promised pulling me into a tight hug as the pair of us fell to the floor

He was gone, My Dad.. My last family.. 

"You aren't alone" Jake said as he held me tighter, it was almost as if he had read my mine
"You have me, the gang, You aren't alone I promise" he whispered kissing the top of my head 

The Dorms (Rewritten)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant