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"His name is Toby. We dated in school for almost 2 years, we met during our first year and grew close without ever a second thought. I wish back then I knew how crazy he really was.." she trailed off 

"We were good together at the beginning, some may have even deemed it perfect. It was all going well until we got to our 6 month anniversary. After that.. He switched almost like turning on a light bulb" Annabelle continued, her breathing slowly picking up 

"He would control who I spoke to, what I wore, where I went, what I ate etc" She stated
"He used to not even allow me to go to the shops with my mum. If I ever did there were consequences" She muttered beginning to fidget slightly, I brushed my hand up and down her arm attempting to keep her calm

"It got the the point, he practically moved into my parents house in the intention to keep any eye on me. That was until I managed to break it off by moving away with my family, the moment I got out of it I promised myself I would never get back into a relationship at all and I still stand by that" She said sighing 
"It's why I'm deemed, extra cautious" She whispered 

"A, what sort of consequences?" I asked, I won't lie I was worried about the answer and I was half expecting her to not answer me but she looked up at me letting one single tear escape 

"He would hit me, leave marks on my body that would only been seen if I wore clothes he wouldn't like me wearing" I confessed
"It's why I hate my body. I hate the way it looks. It's full of scars from his cuts, his burns and it's all because of him" She cried making me pull her in closer

"He'll always have this pull on me and I just want it to stop" She cried
I looked down at her and at first glance, you wouldn't see anything wrong with her body.
She's a pretty girl and when I first met her, she seemed like the carefree kind of girl 

"Can I see?" I whispered making her look at me a little cautious before bowing her head and slowly nodding
I watched as Annabelle started to raise her shirt stopping just by her bra
The more she raised it, the more visible the scars became 

Dotted around her stomach were cigarette burns almost as if he had used her body as a human ashtray
Closer to her breast were cuts no longer then my nail but the scar looked like they were deep, some most have needed stiches at times 

How could anyone do anything like that to anyone, especially to someone someone so pure like Annabelle 

She looked at me again, those baby blues welling with tears and I couldn't help but let a few slip too 

"I know what you are thinking Jake. It's okay" she said getting up off the bed making me look at her confused
"I'm a freak, I'm tainted. I'm a mess. It's okay I'll save you the trouble.." she continued making me shake my head
"I'll look for a transfer so you can get yourself a better roommate someone with less baggage" she muttered 

But that wasn't at all what I was thinking, in fact it was the complete opposite..

I rushed over to Annabelle before scooping her back up placing her back on my bed in the same position we had been for the last hour. She looked at me a little cautiously before listening to my voice

"You're not a freak Annabelle, you're perfect. What happened to you in the past does not define who you are. I'm going to be here every step of the way" I said 
"I'll keep him away from you I promise. I will make it my mission to keep you safe" I whispered

As soon as I finished, I pulled her in close allowing her to cuddled up straight into my chest
This was not her fault at all
She became a pawn in some guys sick and twisted fantasy but that stops now.


After another hour of consoling Annabelle she had fallen asleep on my bed and I was not about to wake her up so I left her sound asleep as the rest of the guys quietly joined me in my room
"What the fuck" Dan cursed
I had filled then in enough, all they needed to know was what Toby did today and that he is an Ex
They don't need all of the details 

"I will kill him I swear" Kia said looking like she was about to fall apart at the seems with all the anger built up inside of her, I shot her a look making her simmer down slightly 

"how did someone like that even get into college?" Jess asked making a valid point
"How did he know she went here?" Kieran asked and I shrugged before it dawned on me.. 

"She ran off earlier because he walked into the common room. That's where he saw her I'm guessing" I said making everyone but Luke nod...

"What's going on in that brain of yours Luke?" I asked making him look at me and hum
It's dangerous when this boy thinks

"He lives in our building. He wouldn't have been able to get into the common room without his key card being registered here" He said making me widen my eyes. He was clearly closer then we thought 

It's not like someone could have just let him in, you can swipe your card twice it just won't work. He's right in front of us 

If he comes after Annabelle again, I swear I will kill that boy with my bare hands.
Annabelle never deserved any of his crap, he will pay for what he did 

After all, he's around here somewhere.. He's bound to run into my time and time again

Watch out Toby.. You're on my list 

The Dorms (Rewritten)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant