.Date Night.

27 1 15


Whether I want to admit it or not, those girls I call friends. Have a good idea here and there.
"Okay so we'll go and grab that. Boys you make sure that Annabelle gets ready. Jake and Luke go to the beach" Jessica said making all us nod before we headed off into the right direction 

"Can we talk" Luke asked after we had finished setting up our part of the plan
"Course, what's up man?" I asked

Truth be told, Luke and I hadn't really spoke about what went down with Luke, Annabelle and I. I figured it was better left unsaid before we said something we didn't mean..

"I just wanted to apologise" He muttered making me raise a brow
"don't worry about it mate" I said patting his shoulder
But something told me, we weren't through here..

"No Jake serious, I liked Anna sure but I had no right to meddle or do any of the things I did. Neither of you deserved that" He said, I looked at him offering him a warm smile which in turn only earnt me a confused look
"Think of it this way, I probably wouldn't be where I am with Anna right now if you hadn't done half of those things" I explained

"Sure you went to far, sure you stepped over the line but you've owned up to it and I'm hoping it won't be a reoccurrence?" I asked making Luke nod

"I know but I can't help but think I messed things up for the pair of you. Annabelle especially" He answered
"You didn't man, I'm pretty sure if anything Toby somehow got into your head. You've been my best mate since we were little kids Luke. Some idiot isn't about to change that" I chuckled
"I mean do it again, I'll put your head on a stick" I said making him nod in agreement 

"I'm glad I don't room with him anymore" Luke said as we walked back to my car
"Who do you room with now" I asked but all I got in response was a smirk



"And done!" Jessica squealed as she dragged me over to the mirror, I looked into my reflection to see the girls had curled the ends of my hair, applied light makeup and over all made me look somewhat pretty

"Can someone tell me where I am going now?" I asked turning around
"No can do Anna" Aubrey smiled practically pushing me out of the door 

It didn't take long for Kia to be almost dropping me and running after driving me to the beach
I used to spend my childhood here, this was a big spot for Dad and I..

I started walking through the sand only to come to Luke holding a candle, I looked at him a little confused but with a wink he handed me a small note before pointing over to where Dan stood 

'When I came to college, I had no idea I would meet someone like you A. You turned my world upside down but I wouldn't have it any other way x'

As I continued to walk through the sand I couldn't help but smile. When I joined here, it was merely me entertaining Dad's idea of me having a future for myself, but now I wouldn't change it for the world 

"What is going on" I whispered to Dan who rolled his eyed
"I would literally be murdered if I told you" He said handing me another note before pointing to Kieran who stood up on the rocks, he gave me a small wave before I rolled my eyes continuing my walk

'Growing up, my Dad taught my many things but the biggest thing has to be how you treat a woman. You're meant to treasure her and never give her a reason to leave. And that is exactly what I plan to do for you A x'

I walked over to Kieran who had a smirk on his face which only made me laugh

"Why are you smirking sir?" I asked making Kieran scrunch up his nose
"You're date awaits" He said motioning over to where Jake sat on a picnic blanket, Kieran handed me one final note before jumping off of the rock 

'It's been a long time since we were able to have a date, so what do you say?x' 

"You are something" I said making Jake turn around and smile soon rushing to his feet
He came over placing his hands either side of my waist leaning down softly to kiss me 

"You found me" He winked
"Indeed I did, you sort of left a trail of friends so it wasn't that hard" i teased making him chuckle
"But what is all this for?" I asked looking around

"Well after everything that's happened recently, we all figured you could use a nice night out. Believe it or not I can't take full credit" he said holding me close

"Kia?" I asked making Jake nod pecking my lips again

"You're already practically her sister A" He smirked making me roll my eyes before kissing him again

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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