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I would love more then anything for things to go back to normal but I really don't think that is the case and won't be for a while
But at the same time, I really think we are building our own new kind of normal and I couldn't fault it one bit

Annabelle and I still share a bed, no matter how many times we try to sleep apart, it's proven impossible. One of us always ends up in each others bed
It's going to make Christmas break that much harder
Kia and I will be returning home and it's only Anna and her Dad so she'll be spending it with him to o

Annabelle was in her last lesson of the day while I had just finished up football practice
I was in my usual spot waiting for Anna to come out but slowly all the students pile out but Annabelle is nowhere to be seen..

I walked closer to the door only to see Annabelle stood there with whom I'm assuming in her professor 
"Jake" She smiled the moment she noticed me, I gave her the same smile back as I joined the pair 
"This is Mr Graham, my creative writing teacher" Annabelle said introducing me 

"He's just told me he sent my last piece to one of his editor's to have a look at" She said with a wide smile. It had been a hot minute since I had seen her looking this happy 

"That's amazing A, I'm proud of you" I said hugging her as he nestled her head into my neck pulling me in a little tighter 

"You are an impeccable writer Annabelle, it's about time you share it with the world" Mr Graham said making Anna smile again before we gather her things heading out of the room
"Ice-cream?" She asked as I threw an arm around her with a chuckle
"Ice-cream" I replied making her smile a little more 



"Are you an idiot!" I yelled making Luke roll his eyes 
"I like Annabelle" He reminded me making me shake my head at him. We were waiting for everyone to join us after their lessons 

"I'm going to ask her out Kia why are you having such a problem with that" he argued making me glare at him
"Are you stupid! Like seriously Luke I'm trying to figure out how the hell you even made it into college right now!" I yelled

"Annabelle is happy with Jake, He'll kiss your ass if he finds out" I reminded him
"He won't find out plus all he's done since being in her life is hurt her. She deserves someone better" he confessed but before I could say anything in return another voice spoke for me

"Who deserves better?" Jake asked amongst a small laugh while he walked in with his arm around Annabelle 
"Oh no one" I smiled trying to keep this from both of them. The last thing we need is another atomic bomb going off
"Kia, you are a bad liar" Annabelle laughed intertwining her hand with Jake who laughed alongside her

"Hey Annabelle can I talk to you?" Luke asked making my eyes widen looking at the pair
Annabelle shrugged agreeing but the moment she was out of sight, Jake turned to me narrowing his eyes at me 

"What is going on?" He asked making me turn around humming avoiding all eye contact..

I couldn't break his heart right now..



Luke and I walked over to a small table by the book cases, The look on his face was clear nerves but I had no idea why
"What's up Luke?" I asked getting more and more anxious by the second
"I need to tell you something, but I don't know how you are going to take it?" He said making me look at him even more confused

"I like you Annabelle, I like you a lot. I have ever since we met you at the door when we were looking for Jake" He confessed making my eyes widen slightly 
"There is so much about you that just pulls me in and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't at least try" He said confusing me more

"Will you go on a date with me?" He asked making me gasp slightly 

I glanced over at Jake to see him in the middle of a conversation with Kia, something tells me he has no idea about this 

"I um, I don't know what to say Luke" I said now avoiding eye contact
"Say yes" he whispered making is clear that you could hear the smile in his voice 
"I can't, look Luke. You are a great guy and I know one of these day you'll find a girl who likes you back" I started making him roll his eyes

"You're an idiot for liking him" He said motioning to Jake, I gasped a little looking over to now see Jake looking at me a little concerned
"Excuse me?" I breathed out 

"That is what this is about isn't it?" he asked but I shook my head
"come on Anna, don't paint me a fool. You preach about not getting into a relationship but sharing a bed with a guy non stop is borderline a relationship" he said making me shake my head 

I was shocked, I didn't know what I was meant to say 

"What's going on over here" Dan asked walking over with Kieran, Jake, Kia and Jess
"Just you wait Annabelle, he'll do it again. He'll get you hurt" He said making me look around at everyone confused

"What are you talking about?" Jake asked but he was the last person that should have spoken right now..
That will just have antagonised Luke 

"You. I'm talking about you Jake, you've got this girl hooked on you but all you seem to do it fucking get her hurt" Luke yelled making Jake look at me but I was quick to avoid that eye contact 
I looked at Luke on last time before grabbing my bad heading out 

"A!" Jake called after but it was no use, I was out of there 

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