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Kids came and went from the orphanage, and soon enough, Emrie and one other boy were the last of the original group of kids that Lunette and Marinette had had. Emrie's mood changed a lot depending on the day and what happened. Emrie had no desire to talk to any of the new kids. Marinette continuously kept coming up to Emrie's room just to tell her that she needs to talk to other kids her age. Emrie didn't want to. So, she didn't.

Once, Marinette came up with a cup of tea. "Emrie, this isn't healthy at all, you're going to get sick if you don't at least go outside and read, just like you used to!"

"No! Someone will come over to me and ask me what I'm reading or something." Emrie replied to Marinette.

It was that day that Marinette stopped trying to get Emrie to go outside or talk to someone. She had no power over her. All Marinette could do was worry about Emrie. She did, and her bright blue eyes showed it. She went downstairs to her office, brushing her midnight black hair out of her face and sorting papers.

Weeks later, Marinette went back up after a boy around Emrie's age showed up at the orphanage. "Hey, Emrie? Can you please just come downstairs for a little while?" She asked.

Emrie just stared out her window, not ignoring Marinette, listening but not answering. Marinette just sighed and went back downstairs to talk to the boy. Around an hour later, Emrie came down and saw him sitting on one of the sofas in the foyer. She just stood at the bottom of the stairs and watched him play with his thumbs.

About a minute went by before he turned and noticed her. He smiled, got up, and walked over to her. "Hi." He said, holding out his hand to her. Emrie's face was flushed. The boy's eyes shone like emeralds.

"H-hi?" Emrie replied nervously, slowly shaking his hand.

"I'm Marsh. Just got here today. What about you?" He asked.

"Emrie. I've been here for all 16 years of my life." She said, pulling herself together.

"Oh, my word! I'm 16 too! Well, I'm almost 17 but that doesn't..." He began to trail off and mumble. As he did, he lifted his light brown hair and twisted his finger around in it. Emrie watched, truly enthralled.

Soon, Marsh snapped back to Earth. He blushed lightly. "S-sorry," He laughed, looking to his feet "I trail off sometimes..."

Emrie stared into his deep emerald eyes. She noticed that he was starting to get uncomfortable, so she immediately pulled her eyes away, darting them off to the side. "O-oh, s-sorry." She stuttered.

"No, no it's fine, really. I hope we can be great friends, Emrie."

Emrie nodded, smiling, and probably was blushing at the beautiful mess in front of her.

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