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Marsh helped his parents up the staircase to their apartment.

"Thank you, Marsh." His father said, carefully carrying the grocery bag carefully, so as to not crack the eggs.

Once the groceries were put away, Marsh went to his room, and his parents went to theirs. He sat on his mattress, and sighed, looking over to his dresser. On it, was the picture that was now on "Wanted" and "Missing" posters.

"What in the world could you have possibly done, Emrie Lucas, to be wanted?!" He whisper-yelled to himself. He shook his head and threw himself back, his flannel button up shirt flying up as he did, and closed his eyes, thinking to himself.

"Emrie, Emrie, Emrie." He sighed, somewhat disappointed in his redhead.

He wished he'd never let Lunette and Marinette let him go. He knew Marinette had seen something in Emrie after he'd shown up, but couldn't grasp what it was. If only he held onto Emrie, and not let them take him away from her. If only his actual parents hadn't died. Of course, though, if they hadn't then he might not have met Emrie. He still wanted his real parents back. He groaned, full of frustration, knowing that wishing wasn't going to do anything.

He rolled over, facing the mattress, and cried. Nothing would ever be the same again. He'd never see his parents, or, quite possibly, Emrie, now that she was missing. And wanted.

Alex didn't know what to do. Lunette wouldn't let them go outside, and none of them had electronics, unless they'd had them with them when they arrived at the orphanage.

Of course, Alex didn't. He was almost five years old when he got there. His father got sick and died when he was only two, and his mother died, three months before he turned five, in an accident at work. His babysitter got the call, and she had to drop him off here.

Alex sat on one of the couches, staring at the wall or other kids.

"McCollough?" Alex looked up and saw Marinette beginning to sit down beside him. "How are you doing through all this mess?" She asked, squeezing his knee once she sat down.

Alex didn't know what to say. He was scared, sad, impatient, mad, bored, and even restless. He'd practically been sitting on this very couch all day, twiddling his thumbs and bouncing his knees.

"I don't know. I can't explain it." He said sadly, shifting his eyes to the floor.

"I feel you bud. I've had her here for 16 years. She's like a second daughter to me."

He faced her and smiled sadly. Marinette reached up to his crooked, purple tie and fixed it.

"I know this isn't really the best time," She started, ruffling his blonde hair, "But do you think you're ready to take your step into the real world?"

That settled it. Alex was mad. He knew that if they didn't find Emrie before he had to go in the next two and a half months, he'd never be able to say goodbye to her.

"I don't even want to think about it right now." He said coldly, standing and storming off to his room

"I'm Maye Darren." Emrie lied to the woman in the doorway.

"Nice to meet you Maye!" She replied, holding out her hand. Emrie took it and shook it firmly, then released.

"You've got a strong grip on ya, girl!" Karma's mother complimented.

"Uh, thanks?" Emrie said, unsure of what to say.

"Hey, Mamma, Maye here needs a nice buffet meal!" Karma piped up.

"Oh, yes she does! She needs a little skin on those bones!" Emrie's brows had knit together at this point. The two of them together were so confusing. There was like, nothing... sad.

"Well, come on in! Take a seat at the island!"

Emrie and Karma entered right into the kitchen and dining area. They sat next to each other on the barstool chairs.

Karma's mom began pulling out all sorts of stuff out of the fridge, then paused while pulling out peanut butter. She pivoted and faced Emrie.

"No food allergies, right dearie?" She questioned caringly.

"Oh. Uhm, yes. A few actually. Peaches, yogurt, and before you ask about that one, I don't know why. Uh... Oh yeah! Most importantly, tomatoes. So, no ketchup. Really bad reaction."

Karma's mother pulled out the peanut butter and placed it on the island, removing tomatoes and ketchup, along with anything else related to Emrie's allergies.

After a while of talking and making lunch, the meal was done. All the sandwiches were held together with olives on toothpicks. There were cakes and cookies, which were leftover, apples oranges, apples, and no sign of peaches, yogurt, or tomatoes!

"Thanks Mamma!" Karma said happily, diving into peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

"Yeah, thanks." Emrie added, shoving her face with turkey and ham sandwiches.

Karma's mom laughed, "Well, I'm going to go up to my room now. You two behave!" She turned to leave, eyeing Emrie suspiciously, before walking up the stairs to make a call.

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