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"Ugh! Crook! What the heck are you barking at!?" Karma said, pushing herself away from her empty plate and the counter. She walked to the door and opened it walking out with Emrie just behind. Karma squinted, seeing where Crook was looking. There was a male figure who seemed scared in the front of the yard. Emrie shut the door behind her, and saw the familiar looking figure standing slightly in the distance.

Tall, brunette, emerald green eyes.

"Marsh?" Emrie asked, not totally sure.

The boy had looked a little upset and startled, but when he heard the name, he looked up from the dog, and saw the two girls, one of which seemed oddly familiar to him. He realized it was her.

The boy whom Emrie believed was Marsh, smiled and ran their direction, arms held out widely for Emrie. She noticed that it was actually him, then ran to Marsh, jumping up into his arms.

"Ems!" Marsh sighed, holding her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist again. Emrie hugged Marsh tight, but the pulled away for a second, looking down into his eyes.

"Wait, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Never mind that. Why are YOU all over ' n Wanted' posters?"

Emrie grimaced. She really hadn't wanted to do what she did, but it was kind of a priority to find Marsh, and look where it had gotten her.

"Sprayed an officer's pepper spray in their face and then ran away." She stated. Marsh was stunned.

"Okay, hang on. Mind to tell me what's going on here?" Karma interrupted, gesturing to Marsh. Marsh set Emrie down.

"This is Marsh, my boyfriend."

Karma nodded understandingly. "I'll let you two have a moment." She said, leading Crook away.

"Seriously, Marsh, why are you here?" Emrie asked sternly.

"Ems," Marsh sighed, "My parents... they died this morning. The chief police was there and got a call... about you. I ran away from the whole thing and ended up here. They're headed this way for you. They know you're here. We have to get back to the orphanage." He whispered the last few sentences, so that Karma wouldn't hear.

Emrie paused. "Wait. They know my location?" She turned and looked to Karma, who was throwing a ball back and forth for Crook. Emrie gasped. "I literally just noticed that Karma wasn't even the least bit concerned when you mentioned I was wanted! She knew all along... and her mother-."

"Called the cops on you, Emrie Lucas." Callie interrupted darkly. Emrie and Marsh jumped, and turned around, seeing the woman in the doorway, her face covered by a shadow. "And my family is getting the money for it!" She triumphantly stated.

Sirens began to head their way. Marsh didn't exactly notice, because he'd just been by them and it was still ringing in his ears.

"No, no, no..." Emrie said, grasping Marsh's hand in hers, and pulling him with her into the forest, back towards the city, to head to the orphanage.

"Get back here!" They heard Callie yell distantly.

They ran for miles before they slowed to a jog, and then a walk, still holding hands.

"Emrie," Marsh panted, "How do you run... so fast?"

"Mmm... In case you didn't know, I'm super small and underweight, plus, I practice. She turned and kissed his cheek lightly. "You should train with me sometime."

"When we get back to the orphanage." He replied. There was silence for a little bit, while they walked.

"Crap..." Marsh muttered after the silence. "Alex is going to kill me!" He slapped his forehead with his free hand and groaned.

"What?" Emrie laughed.

"You really don't want to know..."

"Yes, I do!" Emrie scoffed.

Marsh sighed defeatedly, pinching the bridge of his nose and bringing his hand back down to sway at his side. "You know the day when I didn't go to my room after dinner?" He asked, stopping her and himself, pivoting to look into her eyes. She nodded.

"I was on the roof with Alex. He told me, and let me quote this, 'Hurt her Marsh, you're dead meat. I'll replace the jelly with your blood." He imitated Alex and sighed. "It hurt you when I left, didn't it?"

Emrie thought for a moment. She shrugged. "Yeah, but Alex doesn't know that. C'mon! Let's go!" She yelled, picking up her pace and dragging him behind her as she ran, once again.

They ran quickly for some time, then slowed to a walk again, for Marsh's sake. They had almost reached the other side of the city, and found an empty alleyway to stop in. Emrie pulled her hood up, and pulled the drawstrings to where it was nearly closed, open just enough for her to see.

"We should go to my... uhm... apartment house. I don't know what to call it. Just use the bathroom, get water and other stuff. Hopefully there's no more officers there." Marsh suggested.

"Lead the way." Emrie replied, bowing and pointing out of the alleyway jokingly.

"Emrie, it's right here, mah dude." Said Marsh as he walked out of the alleyway and turned to his right, walking up the stairs and opening the door. There was a bag of glass lying next to the trash can, and police line tape covering the doorway to his parents' bedroom.

"That's disturbing," Emrie said at a low whisper. "I understand why you left." She walked into the apartment and closed the door behind her. She walked up and placed her hand on Marsh's shoulder. "I'm sorry." She said quietly.

Marsh crossed his arm over his body to reach up to Emrie's hand and held it there. "It's fine. It'll all be over soon." He walked over to his room, and sat down on his bed.

Emrie followed, lying down with her head in his lap. "I hope so."

The Wanted MissingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz