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Emrie was still travelling, two days after her encounter with the officer. She walked right by a window shop, and saw posters taped up.

"Wait..." She looked them over.

One said "Wanted" and the other said "Missing."

"Crap. That's me." She said, examining the photo. She wondered where the image had come from. "Never mind that." She thought, pulling her hair back and pulling up her hoodie to hide her hair and face, walking faster.

Marsh O'Harren walked into the store with his older aged adoptive parents. "Milk, eggs, cheese, beans." He recited to them multiple times, as they were forgetful. He waited five minutes and started again. "Milk eg-." Something caught his attention.

His photo of Emrie? 'Under... Wanted?!' He thought to himself. 'And missing?'

No... It couldn't actually be her. He looked closer and studied the eyes. Yep. Definitely Emrie.

"What in the..." He started.

"Marsh, son, what was the thing again?" His father asked.

"Oh. Uhm... Milk, eggs, cheese, beans."

"Thank you, buddy." His dad said.

"Oh, how could such a pretty girl like her be wanted?" His mother questioned, coming up behind Marsh.

"I have no idea, Mom," Marsh began, "But when I see her again I have a few questions for her. Isn't that right Ems?" The last part he whispered to himself.

"Marsh, what's that mean?"

"Oh. Uh. That's... my girlfriend? From the orphanage." He said to his mother.

"Oh, well then never mind."

Emrie reached the end of the city, and started her way into another little town nearby. Her legs grew tires, and her bag got heavier. "Ughhhhh..." She groaned, walking slower and slower, until she collapsed into a heap in the grass intentionally, right at the edge of the forest.

"I give upppp!" She yelled into the grass. She laid there in the grass for a good five minutes, and heard a low growl right behind the tree right next to her. She quickly staggered up into a standing position.

"Uhm..." She turned to face the trees, and a hooded figure began to walk into the light of the sun. The figure was really curvy, and tall. It reached up and removed the blue hood.

"Hi! I'm Karma Dankerly! Sorry about that growl, that was my dog, Crookerly." The girl had bright, silver-gray eyes, and long, silver brown hair. Her dog was almost as tall as Emrie. "Crook's a St. Bernard. Large breed dog, ain't he? Also, I live just through those trees, if you were wondering."

Emrie really wasn't wondering about that, but she was wondering why the slivery browned haired girl was sharing so much information about herself to a complete stranger. She didn't question it though.

"I'm... Uh..." Emrie wondered if she should say her real name or not. She decided against it. "Maye... Darren?" She said.

"Well, hello there, Maye Darren!" Karma greeted.

"Whew! Hopefully she hasn't seen my posters yet!" Emrie thought.

"Why don't you come on in for lunch," Karma motioned behind her into the forest. "You seem so thin... We'll get you a buffet!"

Emrie blinked, and noticed how hungry she was. She knew she had money to buy food, but it was kind of meant for an emergency, not food. She clearly hadn't thought that through.

"Uhm... sure?" She replied, unsure about whether she should go with the girl or not.

"Great!" Karma grabbed Emrie's wrist, and dragged her through the trees, Crook following right behind. When Karma reached a clearing, she stopped. The was a medium sized white building standing just in front of Emrie's sight.

"Aww! It's such a sweet home!" Emrie exclaimed.

"Thanks!" Karma stated, dragging her to the door. Crook laid down on the porch next to a bench. Karma knocked on the door, and it opened almost immediately, a grey and white cat running out.

A woman in maybe her forties stood in the doorway.

"Oh, hello dear! What's your name?"

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