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"Ems. Don't fall asleep." Marsh laughed. Emrie groaned. "But Marshhh..." She sat up, rubbing her eyes. She grabbed her bag. "If I can't take a nap, then we're going to start heading back now." Marsh nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

They grabbed more water and Marsh a hoodie, and stepped out, not bothering to lock the door behind them, knowing the officers would most likely notice if they came back. The two pulled up their hoods and looked at the ground, walking in the direction of their small orphanage town.

For some couple of hours, nobody bothered them, until they reached the alleyway that Emrie had stayed in the first night.

"Hey, who are you two?" A female voice asked. Marsh looked up, spotting a blonde officer. "Crap." He thought. He nudged Emrie a little, showing that he'd seen the officer. Emrie lifted her head slowly, removing her hood as she did.

"Hey, Officer Allburg. Look, I'm sorry I sprayed you in the eyes. I was uhm... kind of on a mission."

"That doesn't matter Emrie." The officer replied, stunned that Emrie had just been so bold, mentioning what she had done. "But now you have to come with me." Marsh removed his hood as well.

"Hey, uh, who's this?" Allburg asked Emrie. Emrie said nothing. "Never mind."

"Well, we better get going now." Emrie stated, grabbing Marsh's wrist and bolting. "Hey! Hey! Come back here!" Allburg screamed. Emrie ignored the officer, just as she did the first time she yelled at her.

Only a few seconds passed when Emrie and Marsh heard the sirens from the officer's car. The car darted in front of them, and turned, making sure the two couldn't pass. "Dang it!" Emrie yelled, and then cursed under her breath. The two of them stopped, tired from no rest and running for so long. Marsh's legs were sore, and ready to collapse, so he willingly climbed into the vehicle. Emrie, on the other hand, tried to dart again, but the officer caught her and pulled out the handcuffs.

"Emrie Lucas, we're going to have to put you somewhere. Here in this city they say that juvie 'Isn't a thing.'" She paused putting quotations around 'Isn't a thing.' "And your friend here will have to go somewhere too, for helping a young criminal." Allburg forced Emrie into the back next to Marsh.

Marsh leaned over to Emrie. "Hey, we'll still get home." He whispered to her. The car was silent for some time, and they finally reached the station. Officer Allburg climbed out of the car and pulled Emrie out of the back, pulling Marsh at his wrist. The went inside, Emrie struggling to run. Yes, she had wanted to go elsewhere from the orphanage, but this isn't what she had meant. The three went in the building, and Marsh and Emrie were placed in one of the detention rooms. They could see Allburg talking to someone, and Marsh recognized him as the chief.

After some time, an investigator came in the detention room to talk to the young couple. Directly after, Allburg removed the handcuffs from Emrie, when she had finally given up on escaping. She realized now that there was no possible way to get away, so there was no point.

The investigator left, and the lady at the desk was on the phone, Marsh studied her lips, through the glass. Emrie sat down next to Marsh, laying her head down on his shoulder. "This is my fault." She whispered in a melancholy tone. A tear ran down her face and landed on Marsh's shoulder. He felt it, and looked down at her.

"Hey, hey, don't cry! I'm sure we'll be okay." He said doubtfully, wiping her cheek and hugging her close. Now, Emrie pulled herself closer to Marsh, if it was even possible. Marsh brushed through the back of her hair, and planted a light kiss on top of her head.

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