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A month or so had gone by, and Marsh and Emrie grew closer, and Emrie had little control over her crush on Marsh. She felt as if he knew and just didn't mention it, which was probably the case. Although, Marsh had started to mope around a little. At one point, Emrie didn't even see him until after dinner, when she went to his room, which was just across from hers.

Emrie knocked lightly on Marsh's door. "Marsh? Can I come in? Please?"


Emrie walked in and Marsh had his legs pulled up to his chest, and the hood to her hoodie pulled up over his hair. She went to stand next to him and pulled the hood off. His hair was all tangled and untamed. He sniffled and looked up to Emrie, and nodded to the open space next to him on his bed. Some more tears fell from his green orbs when she placed a hand on his shoulder and sat down.


Emrie threw her arms around his neck, his knees in between the two of them. She held on of her hands on the back of his head, reassuring him that he could trust her.

"I'm here. You can talk, cry, do what you need." Marsh put his knees down, to allow Emrie to come closer. She hugged him tighter as he sobbed.

Emrie softly said comforting things to him, reassuring him, and kept on hugging the brunette. When she started to pull away, Marsh stopped Emrie.

"Stay a little longer?" He asked timidly. Emrie blushed, but didn't care. She let herself stay in his grasp.

"Thank you, Emrie." Marsh said.

Later on, Emrie was sitting on the front step where she normally was. Only this time, she read. It was only when the door opened that she marked her spot and turned around, seeing Marsh standing curiously behind her.

"How'd you find me?" She questioned him.

"Marinette told me you might be out here." He responded, closing the door and coming to sit next to her on the step. Emrie leaned back a little, placing her free hand behind her to keep her balance.

"Hey, thanks for that earlier, I needed it." Marsh said, twiddling his thumbs and staring at them.

"Yeah, sure." Emrie said, resetting her position to go back to reading.

Marsh looked up to look at her. "H-hey, Em?" Emrie looked back up, placing her finger on the page again. Marsh's face was a little red. Emrie blushed at the little nickname he had called her.

"What's wrong?" She asked, her eyebrows knit together.

"Do... Do you like anyone?" He questioned, his blush fading a little.

Emrie was flushed. 'Does he actually know?' She thought to herself. No one had ever asked her that question. She thought for a moment, about the boy in front of her. She caught herself staring and quickly turned away, turning red.

Marsh grabbed her chin between his thumb and forefinger, turning her head to his face, so she could look right into his eyes. His face was calm.

"Is it me?"

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