Home life // Chapter One

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It was no secret that Avery had a tough home life. She still does her dad left when she was young she doesn't remember him that much about him she doesn't even remember what he looks like. She was around 4/5 years old when he left but Maddison her sister on the other hand was 8 and she remembered him very clearly. Maddison doesn't want to talk about her dad to Avery or to anyone for that matter he used to hit her and throw things at her like pictures frame and vases he would always yell at her because nothing she ever did was good enough for him. And she soon realised that nothing she did would ever be good enough for him she would never be good enough for him and that's why she hated talking about him. But luckily for Avery she didn't have to witness any of his harmful acts but she still hated him for leaving because he really fucked up there mum for a really long time but soon after she started to get better and it was nice to Maddison and Avery to see there mum happy again. As soon as Maddison turned 18 she left for college she does still come down for Christmas and summer break Avery was 14 when she first left for college and Avery still misses Maddie but she wants her to do what makes her happy and if going to college males her happy than Avery is happy her sister has done so much for her she definitely deserves this. Most people say avery and Maddison look a lot alike they both have brown hair and brown eyes same nose and ears and lips some people think they are twins but one of the things that are different about these two girls is that they have completely different interests like Maddison wants to become a lawyer or a business woman well Avery on the other hand wants to become a actress and a famous celebrity. Not to mention the height difference Maddison is much taller than Avery. Avery comes up to a bit above Maddison's elbow almost to her shoulder and that might to seem that much of a different but you can still tell

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