Chapter 7// death

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Avery's POV
As I pack Ziggy's stuff and make sure all my stuff is packed. Ziggy comes bursting into our cabin covered in blood "Ziggy who's blood is that" I say as I take a step back " No, no no this is Gary's blood the killer he killed Gary right in front of me" Ziggy's says shaking in fear there was a moment of silence before I ran to her and pulled her into a tight hug " did you see who it was " I say as we pull away for the hug " it was tommy " what" " yeah " " wait do you mean your sister's boyfriend tommy" I ask in confusion " yeah him " Ziggy's say looking at me. Ziggy walks over to my bed with both of our packed bags on it and sits down. she motioned with her hand for me to sit next to her so I did and she told me about what her and Gary were doing in the out house and about Cindy and Alice trapped in that under ground maze under the camp. Than we hear a loud bash on the window and than see Joan covered in blood screaming and banging on the door so I rush to get up and open the door and Joan rushes in and I lock the door and close all the blinds and turn off all but one light a flash light. And Ziggy found some bandages for Joan's wounds and she explains what happened to her as me and Ziggy bandage her wounds. " and than I turn and look to see tommy standing there with an axe and covered in blood and hit me right in my stomach but thank god I got away" Joan says in fear still clearly shaken up from what had just happened to her " it's ok " I was trying to calm her down " no Avery it's not ok nothing about this is ok " Joan says sobbing " well it will be ok because we are gunna get the fuck out of here " Ziggy says and she ties Joan's bandage and gets up " ok so we just need to find Cindy and Alice and than we all can get the fuck out of here for good " Ziggy says putting away the bandages " yeah but how are we gunna get to them you said they were under ground ?"  " and not to the mention the fact that there is a cold blooded killer out there that would literally kill anyone In his path " I say " and we have Joan now I mean I don't think these bandages are gunna hold for a long time she needs to get to a hospital " well we will bring her to a hospital as soon as we get outta here " Ziggy says looking at Joan on the floor " hey Joan can you get up or walk " Ziggy asks " um I don't know " Joan says quietly me and Ziggy help Joan get on her feet "yeah I can walk a bit " wait  I say I grab two of the fishing rods from the closet in the cabin " hey Avery I don't think this is the right time to be fishing " says Ziggy holding Joan up so she doesn't fall I rip off the line of the rods and give them to Joan as crutches so she was walk a bit better " thanks" Joan says as she gives be a small smile I look at Ziggy and see that she is impressed with my quick thinking to help Joan.

Avery Joan and Ziggy have got everything they need in Avery backpack flashlights, Walkie-Talkies , bandages etc. They set off to find Cindy and Alice they go to the out house and they quickly lock the doors and go into the stall that Ziggy said the opening was to get to the under ground maze. Avery went in first than Ziggy lowered Joan in so Avery could help her get down than Ziggy came down and than they started walk in hopes of finding Ziggy's sisters Cindy and Alice.

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