1 day before // Chapter Two

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Avery's POV
For the past 2 weeks my mum has been trying to get me to go to camp night wing personally I think it's bullshit. But I just agreed to get my mum off my back even though I am not looking forward to seeing all those lying bitches for the whole summer. And the fact that I'm gunna have to share a cabin with some dickheads that are probably just gunna fuck all the time I just really hope that's not the case.

I dig through my wardrobe for about 5 minutes than finally I found it. My suitcase I take it out and dust off all the dust on it and open it up and go back to my wardrobe to find some clothes. I find some shirts pants and shorts and I fold them and put them in my suitcase than I go and pack the book I am reading my toothbrush ,toothpaste ,hairbrush, hair ties ,deodorant and perfume than I put in some of my shoes and I close the suit case and put it in the corner of my room just than my mum walks in.
"You ready for tomorrow "she says  "yeah I guess so "I say in a disappointing tone
"Hey you will be fine Avery maybe you will make some new friends " she tells me yeah um I don't think so i wispier to myself "you will be fine trust me " she says trying to comfort me knowing that I really don't want to go
"Oh and Avery make sure to go to bed early tonight camp it a long drive and I don't want you to be late "
"Ok mum I will " I say
"Goodnight Avery " she says
"Night mum "

I was before get up and going to my suitcase and getting my toothbrush and toothpaste to brush my teeth. Than I put them back in my suitcase because I don't want to be running around looking for things in the morning I put on my pjs and going to bed knowing that tomorrow morning my tournament begins.

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