Blood // Chapter Six

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We heard a loud scream me and Ziggy stoped kissing and fixed our wrinkled clothes before running outside and seeing. One of the kids body's on the ground dead I was shocked I wanted to go home right than and there so with out a word I ran past all of the other kids and Ziggy I ran as fast as my legs could take me I ran all the way across campus back to cabin 5 and burst through the door. I immediately started packing my stuff back into my suitcase because there is no was in hell I am staying here any longer just than Ziggy burst in " oh thank god I thought I lost you what are you doing?" She asked me as she walked closer " what the fuck does it look like I'm doing I'm packing my shit I'm going home there is no fucking way I am staying here any longer I'm not gunna end up like that kid hell no" I said loudly " I suggest you and Cindy start packing too and call your parents or my mum can take you home if you want but honestly if we stay here any longer we are gunna be dead " I say as I put the last of my stuff in my bag and zip it up Ziggy just stood there not knowing what to do or say " hey what the fuck are you doing " I say as I get my jacket off the coat hanger "Ziggy some fucking kid just got killed there is a killer here and he is probably off killing more kids right now so you need to pack your stuff and go find Cindy and tell her to pack her stuff and we need to leave like right now " ZIGGY" I yell " oh um yeah I will go get Cindy can get my stuff" she stutters " yeah sure but don't be late be back here with Cindy in 30 minutes ok " I say " yeah sure" she says as she runs out the door.

A/n ok so I know this is short but it's like 4 in the morning and I have school so yeah I will post more but this is it for now -Emilia <3

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