Camp // Chapter Four

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The goody to shoes himself Nick Goode. Honestly I never liked nick I never understood why so many girls liked him and why so many guys wanted to be him. He was pretty boring we didn't really talk much though school but the like 4 times we spoke to each other. He was nice but he was involved in drama so I didn't want to get to far in to that so I just stayed away from him. But he hasn't seen me in 4 years and I look really different like I used to have glasses and braces because my eye sight was bad as a kid but It has gotten better. And I used to have acne on my face and braces. But now I have no braces, no glasses, and clear skin so yeah I changed and when he saw me he looked kinda shocked that it was me .

He said "hey Avery oh my god you look so different you look pretty " aw thanks nick you don't look to bad yourself " I smiled he smiled back at me " hey Avery do you think you could help me with something " nick said in a nervous tone " yeah of course what is it" I said he said "um could you go and get that box it has paints and stuff we need for colour war and can you bring it to the kids painting the sign and than could you come in the mess hall I have one more thing I need your help with " I said " yeah sure" and I walked off to go get the box and I could still feel nicks eyes watching me as I walked away.

when I grabbed to box and brought to over to the kids that were painting and I told them what was in the box .

I looked up at the mess hall doors in the dissent I walked near them and I was a bit scared to go in because I thought that someone would jump out and scare me. But I went in and it seemed to be empty I was looking around. And than I heard a floorboard creak and I quickly turns around to see nick standing there. " oh my goodness nick you scared me for a second " I laughed and than he came close to me and he looked in my eyes and he tucked a part of my hair behind my ear and kissed me. I Just just stood there in shock not knowing what to do. Than I smacked him across the face and pushed him away. Than wiped my mouth with my hand and yelled " what the fuck is wrong with you" and stormed out .

I walked past Kurt and he yelled " alright every one get ready because colour war is going to begin very soon " than walked past me into the mess hall and I heard him say " what are you doing in here nick I have been looking everywhere for you colour war is about to start and I need help getting everything ready so come on " Kurt said in a annoyed tone and I heard nick yell  " alright I'm coming " before following Kurt outside

You just stood there in shock that you had just made out with nick fucking Goode you quickly rushed out of the mess hall to find Ziggy. You ran as fast as you could across campus and than finally you found Ziggy in the art room with Cindy "oh um am I interrupting something " you said in a quiet tone " no not at all Avery " Ziggy says before grabbing a can of red paint and leaving the art room Cindy yells to Ziggy "well I just want to know what happened and you were the last person to see she before she want crazy " who cares it's over isn't it " Ziggy says in an annoyed tone " what is over" you ask with a confused look on your face
"Nurse lane tried to stab tommy slater aka Cindy's boyfriend " Ziggy says "oh my god that's terrible " you say Cindy and Ziggy were arguing until we reached cabin 5

" I don't even know who you are anymore but your not my sister " Cindy said with tears in her eyes " really than who am I " Ziggy said " a monster" Cindy said just than Ziggy pushed open the cabin door so we could both see the writing on the wall above Ziggy's bed " that's what they say" Ziggy said before slapping the door Cindy turned to me and said " Avery stay safe and don't listen to everything she says because soon it will end up with both of you in jail or worse " she said as she put her hand on my shoulder and said " be safe Avery " ok i will I promise i said she smiled than she walked away .

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