Chapter 8// The under ground maze

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Me Joan and Ziggy have been walking for a very long time. It honestly seems like we are going in circles my head is killing me it feels like some thing is stabbing through my skull and I just want to sit down. I have been holding Joan up so she can walk for what seems like and eternity and I just want to go home I miss my mum and I miss Maddie " CINDY ALICE " Ziggy yells " Ziggy just give up already there not here" I say frustrated and tired " shut up there here " just as Ziggy is about to yell again we hear a voice " ALICE " Ziggy runs towards the voice and we see that it was Alice " hey are you ok where is Cindy " Ziggy says just than we hear another voice and than we see that it's Cindy " CINDY" Ziggy says as she runs and hugs her sister "oh my god Ziggy what are you doing here " Cindy says in a shock " " we came here looking for you guys ok so now you have to get the fuck out of here " Ziggy says we all start to get ready to leave and we finally made it back to the door way into the out house than...

A/n ok guys I'm this part is like really short I know but my head is killing me so much so I'm just gunna take a break for a bit I will post the next part tomorrow and it will be a lot longer I promise  oh and I am helping another Wattpad author write a ff as well and I can't give to much info away but I know it's gunna be really good - Emilia

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