Chapter 10//

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Avery's POV
We both stayed quiet for a bit than Ziggy breaks the  silence by saying. " what are we" she says in a serious tone "what" I say with a confused look plastered on my face "Avery I'm serious what are we are we just friends that make out with each other or are we something more" Ziggy says looking up at me " well what do you want us to be " I say making eye contact "I meant what I said earlier I do love you Avery and I want to be your girlfriend " she says in an quiet tone I lift her head up with two fingers and say " well if that's what you than that's what will happen " I say smiling before kissing her  " I love you Avery Gilmore " " I love you too Ziggy berman " than I grab her hand and we make our way outside I look at my watch we had only been in the cabin for 10 minutes but honestly it felt like an eternity and that was an eternity I never wanted to leave I love Ziggy. Like I really love her she is the only person who I feel safe around like I can tell her anything and she won't be freaked out. I have never felt like this for anyone else and I don't know what's going to happen tonight but I do know one thing it's that I'm in love with Ziggy Berman...

Thank you so much for 124 reads this is amazing I am so grateful for all of you who read my book thank you so much I love you all ❤️

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