Chapter 12// the end of it all part 2

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Avery's POV
Alice showed us Sarah fiers hand and that we were going to have to bury with her body that was under the hanging tree. Than she was talking about something with Cindy I didn't realise that my finger was bleeding, I must of cut myself and not noticed it but as I was getting up Ziggy was looking at the hand and some of my blood must of dripped on the bone. I had the vision of Sarah fier once I came back to reality I see Ziggy looking at me clearly worried she asked me what's wrong all I manage to say is " the witch I saw her "
" ok we need to bury this hand right fucking now " Ziggy said getting up.

Avery's POV
Me ,Alice,Ziggy and Cindy started to get ready we trying find any weapons. Cindy had a shovel, Alice had a knife , Ziggy was holding Sarah fiers hand and I had her book. Me and Ziggy both had knives in our pockets just incase. Me and Ziggy sit at on of the tables.

" hey are you sure you're alright you can stay In here " Cindy said to Alice whilst gesturing to her bandaged leg " " I can hop just fine and besides you shouldn't be worried about me we have bigger problems right now " Alice said sharpening her massive kitchen knife she found in one of the drawers. Cindy gave her a worried look but Alice put her hand on her shoulder " hey Cindy I'm fine don't worry about me " she said tucking a piece of hair behind her ear

Avery's POV
" hey are you alright " Ziggy saids looking at me " yeah I'm ok I mean as ok as some one hurtling towards a gruesome death can be " I say whilst I fiddle with my bracelet that Maddison got me for my 12th birthday. "We are going to get through this you know that right ?" Said Ziggy looking down at me "yeah maybe we will " I say looking up at her giving a small smile.Before Ziggy can say anything else Cindy announces "okay are we ready "
"yeah I guess so "
"Yeah alright "
"Let's just get this over with "
We all grab our weapons and as we are about to leave tommy runs right towards us and attacks Alice.Than Cindy smashes his head in with a shovel. "Are you okay " Cindy says breathing heavily " yeah can we just get this over with " she says and Ziggy helps her up and we all quickly run out of the mess hall and straight towards the hanging tree.

Cindy's POV
Once they got to the hanging tree where supposedly Sarah fier's body was buried we immediately dropped everything and started digging. I heard a faint noise coming from the woods and I shook the thought from my mind and focused on finding Sarah's body. I stopped and looked behind me fear shot through my veins. I saw All the shadyside killers coming towards us all from different directions even though some of them some of them killed during the 20s how the hell are they still alive " THEY ARE COMING " I scream we all started digging even faster " I don't get it where is she Alice ?" Avery shouts in a panic "you said she would be here "Ziggy said pushing more dirt aside
"Where is she alice " I say looking over to Alice "I don't know" she says quietly while tears start the stream down her face "WHAT" we all shout " I don't know "Alice shouts back "guys we have to get out of here "Avery says as they killers start running towards us. "They want you Avery " Alice says looking over to her "what" Avery says back " you bled on the hand now the witch want more of your blood... they are not going to stop until they get you they'll kill all of us " she says "we are not sacrificing her" ziggy says. Avery looks over to me and I can tell what she wants me to do. I nod and grab Alice and ziggy by the arm and pull them away with me.

Ziggy's POV
Cindy and Alice both pull me away with them. I beg the to let me go "no Cindy let me go we are letting her die. Alice let me go " I scream but they don't listen and I watch as Harry Rooker stabs Avery right in the stomach.she screams falls to the ground than tommy slater swings his axe and ruby lane stabs her blade. Cindy and Alice pull me around and onto the main road just as the screaming stop. I drop to the ground crying than I hear loud sirens and flashing light appear. They finally came to rescue us but they were just to late...

One year later...

"Hey it's been a year since the camp night wing massacre that's what everyone is calling it they think it was just another shadysider that went mad. The police never found tommy or any of the other killers. And everyone has basically just moved on I think that's the depressing part about living in a town like ours everyone just gets so used to all the deaths and it doesn't faze them anymore. I never forgot about you and I miss you a lot and so does your family. Your mother and Maddison moved out of shadyside about 4 months after it happened and they knew how you didn't want to stay here so they made sure you wouldn't. I graduated it was alright I guess it would've been better with you there though. I'm done with this place with shadyside i have always hated it here and I cant stand to live here any longer that's why I'm leaving shadyside for good. I know you would have wanted me to have my own life so that's what I'm going to do im doing this for you. Im missing you everyday I hate you are not here to do this with me but no matter what happens I will always love you and im so sorry I couldn't save you. " I get up and dust my self off and place the flower I am hold down on her grave. Tears stream down my cheeks "I love you Avery and I'm sorry " I mumbled as I walk out of the cemetery.

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