37. Mr. Dalton

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A/n: Thank you guys for 4k reads!! It means a lot and made my night.

I probably won't post Saturday cause I have prom. Exciting, yes but you'll have to wait again for the next update after this one.


"Okay, maybe it is a problem," I began to worry with my face in my hands.

When Zoey said I'd have to get past her dad if I were to pick her up for our date, I didn't think anything of it. But now that I think about it, I don't know anything about what he's like or what kind of person he is. Yes, I've seen him at the grocery store with Zoey a couple of times but I couldn't tell from his appearance. He looked... I didn't know what he looked like. He didn't look nice or mean.

"Well, why would it be, honey?" My mom asked, running the water on the soapy dish.

"She's never really talked about her dad with me, so I don't know what to expect, at all," I sighed, resting my elbows on the kitchen counter. Then a thought popped up, making me gasp. "What if I get there and he has all his guns laid out, cleaning them right in front of me. Oh god, what if he's one of those parents who asks if I'm gonna marry their daughter just when it's our first date?" I whined, covering my eyes and leaning forward onto the counter.

Please, please no.

"Just stay calm and be yourself," My mom suggested and I rolled my eyes to the farthest extent.

"That doesn't help mom," I sighed.

"Well," she began, tossing the dirty dish towel to the side, "how do you want me to help?" Coming to my left, she stood, waiting for orders, demands even, from my rude teenage attitude.

Yet all that came out of my mouth was, "I don't know— just— ugh!" I walked out of the kitchen and stood by the staircase. My mom followed.

"Honey, everything is gonna be great. Now go get dressed," she told me, putting both hands on my shoulders. "What time do you have to be there?"

"At 7."

She smiled, padding me to move. "Great, you've got plenty of time, now go, pick an outfit that you want to wear."

With pressed lips, I sucked it up and marched up the steps, and advanced to my room. Making a beeline for the closet, I take on the task to find an outfit. For our date.

That's weird to say.


This will be our first.

I can't believe she agreed to go. With me, too. Even after she confirmed she didn't date.

That must mean—

"Did you find something, honey?" My mom yelled from downstairs, ripping me out of my thoughts and causing me to flinch.

"Uh, yeah, hold on!" I yelled, quickly grabbing random clothes from the middle of the row and throwing them on. A few minutes later, I scurried from my room and was faced with my mom looking... like she was in deep thought.

She gave a fake smile, "Ooo, honey..."

The doubt came rolling in, "What? Is it not good?" I looked down at myself then back at her.

And she wasted no time holding back. "Change the jeans, maybe? Wear the blue ones! Your favs! I washed them for you!"

"Mom!" I whined, "You said to wear what I like to wear," I reminded her.

"Well, okay," she gave in, "Since it's your night, I won't critique," she raised her hands in surrender.

"Okay," I take a breath deeply, looking at myself in the mirror. I think I'm ready. "I'm ready."

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