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Jisoo looked around and was confused about this whole situation until she felt herself on the ground, after being pushed by a dark figure.

She started screaming for help but the figure disappeared into the woods.

Jungwon came up and helped her up. "Are you okay?"

Jisoo nodded and held herself onto Jungwon. "Did you get any pictures?" She asked which made Jungwon nod.


They all arrived back at Jungwon's house and sat on the couch. "We actually found pictures of the girls the culprit had murmured," Sunoo said and handed the laptop over to Jungwon.

"Wow," he was speechless but Jisoo completely froze. "What's wrong?"

"That's my sister," she started crying after pointing to a girls picture.

"Wait what?" Jungwon looked closer and then back to Jisoo. "They look a like,"

Jisoo placed her head on Jungwon's shoulder, crying because she couldn't believe her eyes.


-Jisoo's POV-

It was already morning. I couldn't fall asleep last night since I heard about my sister being murdered by the culprit. She was gone this entire time and I used to blame her for leaving me.

For years I believed she was alive, somewhere making a living but no. She was killed? I can't let this slide. I have to get him. No matter what.

I got up from the bed and went to take a shower, washing away all those salty tears from my face. I changed into some casual clothes after showering and went downstairs to make some breakfast, wanting to get my mind off the incident.

Jungwon never told me to do this, but I wanted to, I felt obliged to help him around the house.

I started to make breakfast while trying not to make a mess or be too loud and wake him up. I never cooked before, so this was new to me. I even looked up tutorials on the internet after finding Jungwon's laptop on the kitchen counter, which made it simple for me.

I finished cooking after a while and cleaned after myself. I never learned how to do certain things, that's why writing in my journal was important to me, I didn't want to lose my ability to read and write.

"It looks clean now," I smiled. "I'll just go upstairs and wait for Jungwon to wake up," I said and went up to my room.

I entered and laid face down on the bed. "What should I do now?" I sighed and sat up, looking around the room.

"I really don't think I should snoop through them," I noticed some case boxes and scratched the back of my neck.

"But I'm curious now," I stood up and grabbed a random box, looking through the papers it contained.

"Another murder? How many cases does he have?" I looked through all the boxes when my curiosity hit but they were all the same. "Well, I found out something new about him, he's talented in solving mysteries,"

I put everything in their designed box and laid down on the bed again. "Gosh, all I did when I was homeless look for food, now that I live in a real house and have food, there's nothing to do here,"

I sighed and moved around the bed until I heard knocks on the door. "Uh, come in,"

"Good morning," Jungwon peeked through the door and rubbed his eyes.
"Did someone come in this morning?"

"No, why are you asking?" I sat up. "Then who made all the food in the kitchen? I thought my mother came," Jungwon slowly opened the door wider.

"Oh, I made that food," I smiled. "You made it? When did you learn how to cook like this?"

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