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He had his hands on my waist and looked at me. I still had my hands tied and couldn't do anything about it.

"I haven't seen you wear a skirt like this in forever. I almost forgot you looked this good showing so much skin,"

"Buzz off! Just leave me alone. I know you have a reason for kidnapping me! What is it?!"

"Baby, don't worry about it. All you need to know is that I'm all yours and nothing more," he smirked.

"I get a pile of shit?" I raised my eyebrows. "You're missing the point here," he smirked, grabbing my ass. "What the hell?! Let go of me!" I tried stepping back.

"You can have all the fortune you want. Even me,"

"I don't even want you! I know you're saying that just to make me stay here, like your sex slave?!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Jisoo," he laughed. "No you know exactly what I mean!"

"Calm down Jisoo, just take the offer! You're going to be rich!" I just looked at him terrified.

"Are you saying that I'm a gold digger?" I widened my eyes. "Well isn't that what a poor girl wants from a rich guy?"

He pulled onto my waist and grabbed my face. He was gripping onto my face so hard that it was hurting.

"You're hurting me! Let go!" I peeled myself away from him.

"Once Jungwon is here, you won't see the last of him!" I yelled. "Oh that investigator? How pathetic. He's not your typical police officer. He's just an investigator. He can't do anything more than just collect data,"

"Well he can surely do things better in bed than you!" I again, yelled out of irritation.
"Are you testing me right now?!"

"I'm actually stating facts right now!"
"I will change that,"

He began kissing my neck, roughly that it made me almost cry. "Get off of me!" I tried kicking him where it hurt most.
He was too fast, he grabbed my leg and pulled me towards him to the couch.

He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. "Just Stop this already! I'm not doing this anymore!"

"You used to obey so well Jisoo. What happened now?"

"You killed my baby. Wasn't that enough already?! I was going to be a mother and give all the love it needed! And you took that away from me!"

"You were living in the streets Jisoo. And you think that child would be happy? Be practical Jisoo. I did you a favour,"

"And you're an asshole! Because of you! I can't have children anymore! Now that I have a home! I can't have children!"

I wanted to hit him so bad. But my hands. It made me so frustrated.

"You took away my dream of having children," I started crying. "And I can never get that back because of you!" I got up and backed up quickly.

"Jisoo come here," he followed slowly. "No! Back up! Don't get near me!"

"Stop being so stubborn! Listen to me!"
"No! I don't want to listen to a murderer!"

"The only murderer is the CEO of BigHit and his daughter! Not me!" He came closer but I kept on backing up.

"So you know about them?"
"Of course, I helped them! But that's not important! You are!"

"No! You still killed my child!" I yelled.

"Get over this stupid child! It's dead! It doesn't matter anymore! Stop complaining!"

After his voice stopped echoing in the room. It was quiet, I didn't want to speak further. I already felt my tears flow down my face. I just wanted to give up.

I was upset that he didn't care. But no matter what, he knew what he did was bad.
I looked at the fireplace across the room. I knew that where I wanted to go was something I wouldn't done in my life.
The tools next to it.

"By running away is going to keep you safe from me,"

"Just stay away from me. The better it is for me,"

He kept inching closer to me. As I made my way to the fireplace. Just as I got there, I placed my hands on one of the tools and started sawing through the rope.

I was getting so close, when the took cut me. I didn't think too much of it because I just wanted to get loose.

I was able to get the rope off of me. I held onto the tool and waited for him to get closer.

"I know you have it in your hand," he said. "Yeah and? What about it?"

"Put it down. You're bleeding,"
"I don't care if I bleed to death here. I rather die than to be taken advantage by you!"

"Stop being over dramatic!"
"I'm being serious!"

"Do you not see how much you're bleeding right now?!"
"I do! And I don't care!"

I was looking down at my arm, I forgot I still had the pin in my hand. Shouldn't they have found me by now? Where are they? They have the chip! They should have my location!

Of course I was getting angry, my heart was racing I just wanted to leave this place. I wanted to be with Jungwon.

"Look. Let's get you patched up. You're getting blood all over the floor and yourself right now,"

"You only care about the floor? Seriously?!" I began walking towards the front door.

"You're mit going anywhere!" he came up to me and grabbed my hands. "Let go of me! I want to leave! You have no reason to keep me here without my consent!"

"This is no place for laws and all that shit! You're staying here!"

-Jungwon's POV-

"We can send three teams, one for each house, the sooner the better,"

"Why don't you check the fucking chip? The pin she had on?!" Jay looked at Sunoo with a death glare.

"Hey! You forgot too, don't get mad at me!" Sunoo widened his eyes. I moved him out of the chair and got onto the monitor.

"Where is it?! The tracking? Where do you have it?" I panicked and looked through the computer. "Let me do it! Just stop!" Sunoo pushed me out of the chair and started looking.

"Give me that antenna over there," he pointed behind me and made me give it to him. He was connecting it to the computer and sighed. "Her location should be popping up by now,"

"It's not showing up. She's no where on the map," Sunoo frowned. "What do you mean she's not on the map?!"

"Her chin isn't picking up the location. The chip must be broken or something. It's nowhere!" Sunoo tried again.

"No no no, call everyone who helped us at the festival. Split them up into teams and send them over to the houses!" I was freaking out. "I'll go do that right now. Hold on," Jay left the room to give the others the addresses.

I was getting impatient again. I just want to get to Jisoo as soon as possible.

"I'm going to go look for her myself!" I was too angry now. I grabbed the paper where I wrote down the addresses. I took my keys and began walking out.

"No! You can't go alone Jungwon!" Sunoo yelled after me. "I will even if it gets me killed!" I ran out and got in my car.

I looked at the addresses and typed them into the GPS. I checked which one was closer. I was getting so worried for Jisoo's safety and how she was doing. Especially who was the one who kidnapped her.

She was on the brink of telling me who it was but it was too late. "I should have never left you go to that pavilion! Especially alone! I'm an idiot!"

I wasn't able to protect her. That bothered me too. I promised her I would. I hit the steering wheel out of anger, knowing it wouldn't help with anything at all.

I stepped on the gas, although I knew I would end up getting my license suspended. I didn't have time to wait. I ran through 2 red lights and soon enough I arrived at the first house.

I knocked on the front door. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself. I waited outside for someone to open the door, when I heard the lock unlocking.


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