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"This is his house?" I starred. "Yeah. This is his house," Jay laughed.

We walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. "This is more of a penthouse,"
We waited a few minutes but nothing.

"What is he taking so long? Let me call him," Jay grabbed his phone and called, letting go of one of my bags.

"Hey, we're outside your house you dumbo. Open up," Jay directly hung up.

We waited a few moments before hearing the door starting to open up.

"Jake this is Jisoo. Jisoo this is Jake," Jay said after the guy appeared.

"Hey, I'm Jake," he looked me up and down while I took a quick bow. "I'm Jisoo,"

"So you're Jungwon's new girl?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Was, not anymore. We wanted to take a break," I replied annoyed, but I couldn't show it. "Oh well, come in,"

We followed after him into the house. "You can leave the stuff here. The maid will take your stuff to your room. So it's fine. Any drinks?"

"No thanks. I only came to drop Jisoo off," Jay answered. "What? You're not staying?" I looked at him worried.

"We have to look into the CEO. I'll text you to check up on you, please don't worry,"

Now what do I do now?

"You look really familiar. Have I met you before?" Jake started. "Uh no, I don't think you have,"

"We'll sit down. Make yourself at home," I was about to sit down when I heard another pair of footsteps.

"Bye Jake! I'll see you next week," I turned around to see a girl half naked. Her hair was messy and was all giggly leaving the house. "Bye," Jake waved.

"You must be wondering why I was taking a long time opening the door,"
He poured himself a drink from the liquor bottle. "I was doing that," he laughed.

Now I realised why Jungwon didn't want me to come here.

"Well, explain to me why you're here. Jungwon just told me to give you a place to stay,"

"Well theres a man that's out to get me. And Jungwon sent me here to protect me," I lowered my head and finally sat down.

"Oh how romantic? Pff what kind of bullshit is he getting himself into?!"

"He helped me out a lot okay? Especially getting me back up on my feet,"

"He did? Surprising. What did he do?"
"Well I was stabbed by a loan shark. Jungwon saved me,"

"Wow holy shit, you got stabbed? Then what?"

"He paid for my hospital bills. Because I was homeless," I slowly looked back up.
"You were homeless? Is that how you got involved with the, what was it? Loan shark?"

"That's exactly how I got involved with him. At the time, I was carrying his child. Until he stabbed me,"

"And the child? Where is it?"
"It didn't survive the stab," I looked back down again.

"Oh I'm sorry. Now I see why he would help you. But you said you were homeless, have you been alone?"

"Before it was just my sister and my parents. Until they all left me behind,"

Jake's face then began to get more serious. "Can I ask why they left?"

"I have no idea. I was really young. I just know that my sister and I were on our own at one point,"

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