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It has already been almost a week from the day we talked to Cassie's mother. We still tried finding her but we had to get ready for the festival now. This can be the moment of truth.

Sunoo, Jay and several others were at Jungwon's house, helping us with the equipment and instructions.
We were going over the procedure, and things we needed to do or look out for. We had to make sure we were getting every part of the festival under surveillance in case. Especially telling them to look out for BigHit people, if they have a bite made or not.

"Here's the mic you're going to need," Sunoo handed me the mic. I went to change into something that will definitely cover it up well. I also changed into a skirt as planned.

I was trying to figure out how to put on the mic but I was getting it all tangled up.

"Hey Jisoo? Are you ready?" Jungwon started knocking on my door. "No, I can't get this on, it's all tangled,"

I went over to the door and unlocked it for him to enter. I gave him the mic and saw him untangle it.

"Okay, now this part is going to go under your shirt. Take this tape and put it on," he nodded. "Okay, now turn around. I'm going to tuck this box under the back of your shirt and skirt,"

I nodded turning around to tape the mic under my shirt but then suddenly felt something wet on the back of my neck. "What the hell was that?"

"Just a small kiss, relax," Jungwon said and wrapped his arms around me. "Please be careful. Especially with that skirt, I don't like it. I still don't approve of it," he softly sighed, which I felt on my neck. "Not until we catch the culprit doing all of this, then you can wear all the skirts you want,"

"You worry too much," I chuckled. "I think I should, especially with that person maschine thing calling you,"

"Have they still called you?" he asked, turning me around to face him. "Yeah, they called me yesterday too," I replied.
"I hope it's just some sort of prank, but because of recent incidents we can't joke around,"

"Yeah, let's just go and see what happens," Jungwon said, grabbing my hand and walking out with me.

"Are you guys ready? We have everything set," Jay vocalised from downstairs.
"Yeah, we are!"

"One more thing, wear this pin, it had a built in chip in case something doesn't go as planned," Sunoo said, handing me the hair pin. "There's a GPS in it,we can follow it from the laptop,"


Once we arrived at the festival we made sure our mics were working and our ear buds as well. We got separated and went to our own spots to survey. Jungwon and I were walking around already.

"Coming in, I see the BigHit CEO entering the concert hall. But there's a problem," Sunoo spoke through the ear buds.
"All of them are wearing gloves and they seem to be separating as well,"

"Okay, thanks," I nodded and we walked over to the concert hall. By the amount of people entering the festival, it was getting harder to get around. Especially look for people from afar.

"I won't be able to see him from this height," I tried stepping on my tippy toes.
"I would give you a piggy back ride but you decided to wear a skirt today," Jungwon smirked. I rolled my eyes and went to look for games besides the concert hall entrance.

"Do you want anything to eat? Something you're craving?" Jungwon smiled and followed. "Hmm, maybe a funnel cake?"

We decided to walk over to the food truck and so many people were looking at us. I was confused as to why.

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