Chapter 35: After the duet

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"Okay, guys, where do we go party?" Rizumu asks, excitedly.

"I don't know..." Belle responded, unsurely.

"Let's stay in Prism Stone.." Otoha suggested.

Aira and Mion nods.

"Okay.." Aira said.

~Aira's POV

So we decided to go stay in Prism Stone... It just reminds me of Shou and the others. I mean, I know we get to stay in the future and we have to save everyone, but, I just miss my friends and family. I know Rizumu and Mion misses them too. I just have to stay strong to defeat Junne.

"Okay we're here!" Coo exclaims as we hop of the van.

We enter Prism Stone. We stayed in the employee's only room and it's basically like a dining area. Apparently, An had cooked some cakes and treats before the event.

"These look delicious!" Rizumu said, almost drools.

"I know right!" Nauru said in excitement.

"Come on, dig in!" An said as we all sat on the chairs.

We gotten lots of cake slices and cookies. It was delicious. Something like what Mom will make. I sigh. Aira, calm down, two more weeks, we can go back home, to the present. I'm not gonna complain. These guys are nice and kind, except for Momo. Momo does remind me of Penguin Teacher... Everything is real depressing now.

~Time Skip

"I'm stuffed.." Ito said and leans back on her chair.

"Me too.." Wakana said and leans back too.

I burp then I cover my mouth.

Rizumu giggles a bit.

"Excuse me!" I excuse myself.

"Yea." Mion said.

"So... When's the Prism Queen cup?" Rizumu asks.

"In two weeks." Momo responds.

"Oh." Rizumu said, looks down and sighs.

"I'm sorry if you can't go back..." Naru said pitiful

"It's okay, if we can save the world, I'm in!" Mion said.

"Thanks... Guys, for tomorrow, we're going to the springs!" Rinne said, excitedly.

"Really!? Okay then.. Time to relax!" Rizumu said, excited.

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