Chapter 50: The End

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Aira, Rizumu and Mion was flipping through the portal, they were twirling and twirling.

Until they reached the present.


"Up next, our next performance, and the last is Aira Harune!"

"W-Were back!" Exclaimed Aira, Rizumu and Mion nods, this is what happened before. "Aira, you better get up on stage, again!" Rizumu snickered. Aira rolled her eyes and laughed.

She went up on stage.

"I guess we all need to be Happy-Naru!"

I Change For Me jibun to
itsudemo mukiai
I Don't Give It Up jibun ni
yume to mirai katarikakeru
I Change For You anata to
omoi wo wakeai
You Don't Give It Up anata mo
yuuki tsunagu shimei aru hazu
mita koto nai kiseki okoshi kokoro no kabe koeyou
ima sugu issho ni

I Can Get Up! ippozutsu Get Down!

akiramenai jibun ni Jump!!

We Can Stand Up! massugu ni Step Up!

kokoro, odoridasu!
Move On!
You Can Get Up! mou ichido Get Down!
susumu no sa minna de Smile!!
We Can Stand Up! nando demo Step Up!

kokoro wa Dream Goes On!

Rabbit-Chi pops out and becomes a harp, Aira grabs it.


She does a single jump in the air, and a prism stone appears. Lots of little mini prism stones appear at the background. She lands. "Crystal Jump!"

She twirls, and blushes, as she puts her hands on her chest. She twirls again, as a heart surrounded by pink polka dots appear. "Heat Pounding Experience!"

She skates a heart on the rink. She grew little fairy wings, as she held a wand, flying up. She waves the wand left to right, letting hearts come out of the wand. "Miss Fairy Girl!"

She jumps a single jump in the air, as a purple planet is on the background. Fruits then suddenly appeared and popped out. "Fresh Fruit Planet!"

She skates and infinity symbol on the rink. She then appears in outer space, and the planet earth on front of her. She spreads out her hands, preparing for a hug. She hugs the earth, and smiles. "Infinite Hug Eternal!"

She flies up in the air, while an aura of vibrant colors surround her. She puts her hands on her chest, and let's go and Aurora Beam. Her wings also spread even bigger and wider."Aurora Rising Dream!"

Everyone started to float around.

"We're floating!" Mia (yes, I had to add her) exclaims. "That's awesome!" Hye In said, amazed. "Go Aira!" Serena shouted.

She lands.

"UNBELIEVABLE! Aira Harune was able to bring back Prism Lives and Consecutive jumps! Amazing! But, the judges still need to decide whether they would accept this or not. So, we might wait a while"

The crowd was confused. The judges still had to decide whether they will allow Aira or not, since Prism Live was never seen before.

Aira goes in the back stage, waiting the response of the judges. She goes to the backstage room. She goes inside, seeing Shou with a boquet of red roses, and the room filled with arose sented candles. Shou gives Aira the roses, and as he stood up she found red petals making the words she never thought he put. The roses spell 'Marry me' and with that, she hugs Shou. Aira smells the red roses, and found a tiny box. She broke the hug, and put down the roses, then opened the box. It had a ring. Shou then got the ring, and kneeled in one knee, and asked "Aira Harune, will you marry me?" She nodded as yes, and put The ring on Aira's finger.


"We have decided that Aira Harune is still in!"

The crowd cheers.

"So, we decide on her score to be.. MORE THAN THE ACTUAL FRACTION! Making her win, and become the new Prism Queen!"

Aira smiles, as all her friends hugged her tightly. "You did it Aira!" "You won!" Those words keep repeating. Her friends let go of the hug, as Rizumu puts the crown on her head. "Aira Harune!" Rizumu shouted as she raises her left arm. The crowd cheers


After the Prism Queen cup, Aira decided to celebrate somewhere with her family.

"Hey dad, I forgot, Shou proposed to me yesterday!" Aira exclaimed. Her dad gasped. "MY LITTLE AIRA IS GROWING UP" he shouted, and started crying. "Congrats sissy!" Eru and Iru congratulated, the same with her brother and mother.

At the background, a blue haired girl, wearing a heart clip, a jacket, leggings, a white shirt, sunglasses and boots. She smiled. "This has been some rainbow colors.."


Special thanks to Sunshine_Rosabell or Sunshine_Rosabell11 for ideas like the proposal of Shou to Aira!

Also thanks to the pretty rhythm wiki for help too!

Thanks guys for more than 400 votes and lots of reads!

This has been Rainbow colors


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