Chapter 48: The New Prism Queen! (its not Aira)

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"Aira you're our only hope!" Ann said. Aira nods as a yes. She was nervous, she was the only chance to beat June Amou, or else the world will have a fight with the prism gods.

Everyone kept on reassuring Aira, reminding her...etc.

"GUYS CAN YOU JUST BE QUIET!" She shouted, everyone became silent. "Do you think I'm gonna lose?!" Aira said. "Uh.. Sorry Aira." Rizumu apologized, as Aira nods. "I'll go. Be sure to be happy lucky all the time"


"Now for our last performance, we got Aira Harune, will she beat June? Or will June run for Prism Queen?"

Rainbow sparkles appear, as duplicates already appeared on the start. Her duplicates contain Aira's old MARs costume, her new MARs costume, her budokan (forgot) costume, her blue wedding dress she made, her premium wedding dress, and her Symphonia dress.

I Change For Me jibun to
itsudemo mukiai
I Don't Give It Up jibun ni
yume to mirai katarikakeru
I Change For You anata to
omoi wo wakeai
You Don't Give It Up anata mo
yuuki tsunagu shimei aru hazu
mita koto nai kiseki okoshi kokoro no kabe koeyou
ima sugu issho ni

I Can Get Up! ippozutsu Get Down!

akiramenai jibun ni Jump!!

We Can Stand Up! massugu ni Step Up!

kokoro, odoridasu!
Move On!
You Can Get Up! mou ichido Get Down!
susumu no sa minna de Smile!!
We Can Stand Up! nando demo Step Up!

kokoro wa Dream Goes On!

Rabbit-Chi pops out, in his original rabbit form. He becomes a harp, with beautiful jewels placed on it. She grabs it, as all the colors of their dresses turn fancy, and more beautiful than a 7th cord.


She soars up in the air, holding her harp, and flying into the statue of the goddesses and gods. She shoots the first one, using her harp as a bow, and every time she shoots, an arrow magically appears. "Crystal! Heartful! Angel! Sexy! Lovely! Pop! Ethnic! Feminine! Cool! Star!" She said as she shot the desired statues.. But she wasn't done yet. "Lightning! Flaming! Awesome!" She said as she shot three more statues of gods. She then jumps, creating the mix of all the jumps, and making a rainbow. "Rainbow Splash!"

"Whoa! It's the special jump!" Momo said, amazed. "It also included the type of jumo of Kazuki, Kouji and Hiro!" Ann said amazed.

She skates a heart on the rink. She grows big fairy wings, holding a beautifully made wand, and soars up, waving the wand, making roses and hearts appear, representing love. She then poses, with a heart on the background. "Miss Fairy Lady!"

She jumps in he air, as she floats around the universe. The background turns in rainbow colors as Aira passes by, and a trail of fruits appear. Then, she lands on a star. She jumped the air, as lots of fruits appeared. She holds an apple in her hand, and takes a munch (WOOHOO APPLES!). "Fresh fruit Universe!"

She grows big fairy wings, as she floats rounds and rounds. She stops at a door, and went in it. "Gate to Symphonia!"

She twirls around, as she puts her hands on her chest, with memories of her best friend, and boyfriend Shou appears. She blushes, and let's go, as she twirls one more time, and poses, as a big rainbow colored heart appeared in the background. "Heart Pounding Memory!"

She appears in outer space, with the planet earth in front of her. She grew big angel wings, as she hugs the earth, and giggled. "Infinite Hug Eternal!"

"Aira really is happy during performances..." Naru said, as she notices Aira really happy-lucky during performing. She just did it, she felt like all the memories is coming back to her, making her enjoy her performance. She really wanted to go home.

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