Chapter 1: How-To create a circus

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For Yang Jungwon, life had never really been fair. As a child, his father left, leaving him for his mother's sister. Shortly after, his mother died of grief. He was barely three years old.

Soon after, the oldest of elders in the pack took him in, raising him to be the "perfect" omega. He had to be good at cooking, cleaning; he had to look proper, but the most important of all, he had to be submissive. And he was. He was the perfect the house. But after-hours, Jungwon would go hang ut with his friends, and he found talents he had, that were thing not tyical to omegas. He was flexible, he had a talent for taming dangerous animals. He was anything but a typical omega.

This went on for months, even years, skills polishing, gaining new ones. And gaining more of a standing. But as all things must end, when the elder found out about his minstrations, he found himself in trouble. He was locked away, stuck in his room until he became what they deemed "Perfect" again.

But from the night, an oppurtunity presented itself. A circus came to town, and for once, Jungwon was allowed to leave his room. Given that he was escorted by a kind beta named Seonwoo. What they saw that day changed their lives forever. Animals, colors and lights. Music and games, foods they'd never even heard of. It was awe inspiring.

Seeing as he was on good behavior, the elder allowed for Jungwon to go out again, going with Seonwoo. Of course, this was a mistake, and the two would play in the forest, the exact same way they used to. But this time, even more dangerous, hopping from tree to tree, jumping off of things.
But one day, a man frm the circus came ran into them.

"Wow, you guys have talent," he said, having just watched Seonwoo throw Jungwon into the air, who had done a flip, then landed as perfectly as a cat. "Ever thouught of Joining the circus?"

And that sentance was all it took. A few days later, the night the circus was about to leave, Jungwon made up the excuse of having a slumber party at Seonwoo's house, saying that many omegas his age were doing it. He then met Seonwoo outside, the two walking quietly to the packing up caravan; and in the dead of the night, Jungwon and Seonwoo left their pack, their home, all they've ever known, and joined the circus, albeight magically.

Soon after, the Ring-leader, a kind elf named Noah, took the two under his wing; practically adopting them. As time went on, they grew, more people joined, including another werewolf, named Sunghoon, who was an alpha. They quickly got along.

Jungwon, Sunghoon, and Seonwoo; who had renamed himself Sunoo; took on repective jobs. Sunghoon took on the role of a fire breather(seeing as his father was a dragon), Sunoo became a palm reader (betas easily being able to read people and their emotions), and Jungwon took on multiple roles. He tamed lions, he jugled, he stilt walked,he ran games and rides. But the most fun of them, was the flying trapeeze.

He love being thrown through the air, he loved the jumping and the immense trust it took to do the stunts.

A few years later, Noah got sick. He died, peacefully, in his sleep. There was a struggle, who would be the Ring-Leader? Would the caravan close down? No. They couldn't let it close down. They wouldn't let it. Noah Hybe's circus would live on. And so they had a vote. Anybody could run, or put people on the ballot. The results surprised many. Jungwon had voted for Sunghoon, still having mild pack mentality to give authority to an alpha, but every single other person voted for Jungwon. Every. Single. Person. And so it was decided.
Jungwon would be the Ring-Leader. The master of the circus. King of the caravan.

Seeing as he was practically the child of the previous master, he was the best choice; he had the best experience and skill for the job also.

And since Jungwon became the leader, ticket sales skyrocketed. The circus made more money than before, they had more views. And best of all, they made more smiles. More memories for families.

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