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It's been two weeks since I snuck out to talk to my parents. I haven't told the guys and I don't plan to. I woke up in my loft and woke up the boys. This will be our first night out again after what happened on the boardwalk. So we're all pumped up. Tonight we're going to kill. I personally don't like to kill but tonight I'm actually will. Once everyone was awake we started heading out. There's one place where we always kill. It's under a bridge where a train goes by all the time. It's where the drunks and the disoriented hang out after they get drunk at the boardwalk. As soon as we were outside the cave David said " Lets take to the sky" which means let's fly. It feels weird at first when you take off but then you get used to it. When we were in the air it felt beautiful. I loved flying by Dwayne because he made it look so easy. Once we got by the train tracks we did our tradition. We would hang under the train tracks when a train was going by and one by one we would let go. David is usually the first to let go but he let me be last tonight. We all got under the train tracks and hung there until we heard a train whistle in the distance. David said "Get ready." We all got ready as the train was going over us. The first to go down was Marko. Then it was Paul, and after Paul was Dwayne, then after Dwayne it was David. Once I was hanging there all alone, the train had past us. I could hear the guys whooping and yelling. They kept yelling for me to let go and laughed. I laughed as well. After a couple more moments of hanging there my hands started slipping and then I finally let go. I was falling through a thick fog and could barely see anything I knew the ground was getting closer because I could hear the guys voices getting louder. After a couple more seconds I hit the ground. The guys were all standing there waiting for me. I said " What are you waiting for?" We all laughed and then ran off to find some fresh meat. We were lucky tonight because we found a group of drunks around a bonfire just asking to be killed. We didn't attack immediately but we waited for a few minutes to see how stable they were. One dude saw us and asked me "So...what's a petty lady like you...hanging out... with them?" It was very hard to tell what he was saying since he was so drunk. I looked up at Dwayne and he looked a little jealous. Then the dude said "Your hot......." and then tried to kiss me. That made Dwayne mad. Before the dude could even lay his hands on me Dwayne punched the guy in the face and then that's when we attacked. We all ran for different people. Dwayne killed the dude who tried to kiss me and I killed a man who was shirtless wearing just a pair of jeans. I went for the back of his neck. After we killed everybody it looked like a blood bath. We all just stood there covered in blood looking at what we created. Dwayne walked toward me and gave me a big, bloody kiss, right on the mouth.

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