Leaving Santa Carla

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I woke up and it must have been around 8pm and all the boys were up. That's way earlier than they usually do. David said "We need as much time to get there as we need." "Where are we going?" I asked. Dwayne said "We're going to a town a couple miles away from Santa Carla. There's a cave there that we went to a few times before." I felt really bad. All because of me, we had to leave. "I'm sorry." I finally said. All the guys looked at me. "Sorry for what?" David asked. "If I never freaked out and never looked back at my parents they may have not seen me, and we wouldn't have to flee from them." I answered. "It's not your fault. We all were just at the wrong place at the wrong time." Dwayne said. Dwayne walked over to me and have me a hug. "We need to get going." said David. We left everything in the cave because luckily we were coming back, we just didn't know when. So we all left the cave and went to our motorcycles. All the guys got in their bikes and I took one last look at Santa Carla, it would be a little while before we came back. I got onto Dwayne's bike and wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt so good whenever I was with Dwayne. He made me feel safe. The boys all started the engines and we all rode into the night.

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