Returning Home

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I was heading out to my parents house. It felt so weird being out in sunlight after a whole year. I was walking down my old street where I used to live. It's about 7 am right now. I was in my driveway. I took a deep breath. I walked up to my front door and knocked. My mom answered the door and her jaw dropped. She pulled me into a hug and called my dad. I hugged my dad and went inside. We sat down in the living room. My dad was the first one to ask me a question. He asked "So did you kidnappers let you go?" I still don't like it when they call them my "kidnappers." "No, they aren't kidnappers first of all, and I have go back with them at 9pm. But they let me come and spend the day with you guys." I said. I knew they were a little dad that I still had to go back with them but they were glad the boys let me spend the day with them. So while my parents went to go get dressed I went into my old room. Man, it's been a while since I've been here. The dark colored walls with my Jim Morrison posters all over the place. I sat down on my bed covered in purple sheets. It's been a really long time. My parents must have not cleaned my room because it looks exactly the same as it was when I ran away. My mom walked in a said "Don't you remember all of this." I smiled and nodded my head. My mom sat down next to me. She said "You father isn't too happy that you're in love." I wasn't surprised. Then she said "Why don't you tell me what you love about him. You don't seem the type of girl that falls in love so easily." I had no way to describe our love. It was amazing. "Well, he treats me very nicely, he's never do anything to hurt me." I said. After that we both got up and left my room. Me, my mom and dad all set out on a little trip to the town. We drove around and saw all the old things I used to love. I missed being able to do things in the daytime. I felt weird doing all of these things again. It was about 3 pm when we stopped by the old diner. We used to eat there every Saturday. We went in and took a seat. Old memories were rushing back to me. I remember coming here once when I was 10 years old. I remember when I spilled a milkshake all over my new t-shirt. When our food came to the table, I was a little nervous. I haven't ate food in a whole year. All I drank was blood. After we finished eating my dad asked me a pretty weird question. "So, how's it liked to be kidnapped?" I was getting mad. "Dad, I wasn't kidnapped, I went with them willingly." I said. Then my dad said "Then how should I look at this then?" I couldn't think of anything but then I got one. " Don't look at it like I ran away, think about it like, uh, I moved out. Most kids my age move out about this time." My mom and dad agreed to believe it , then we left. It was about 6pm when we left the diner. 3 more hours to go. We all decided to stay around the boardwalk so when it's 9pm it will make it easier for the guys to find me. We all went to the beach and walked around. It was beautiful in the day time. It was 8 pm. 1 hour to go, then I'm back to being a vampire again. My parents were a little upset since it was almost time for me to leave with Dwayne. We were walking around the boardwalk for about an hour then the clock struck 9. I could feel myself turning back into a vampire because my blood ran cold. Then I could hear the sound an engine. The guys were coming to get me. I could see the guys on their motorcycles in the distance and I hugged my mom and dad goodbye and stood there until I go with them. The boys pulled up and parked their bikes. Dwayne got off and gave me a hug and lifted me up in the air. He didn't kiss me because my dad was there. I got onto Dwayne's bike and wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly because I really missed him. Then we rode off into the night.

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