Scarred for Life

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There are some things I usually keep to myself, most of them are deep, dark, memories that I will NEVER tell anyone. They're just too depressing, and bring back some terrible memories. But this is a secret I just have to tell but don't know who to tell. It was 3 years ago when I was really 16. It was a pretty normal day, until my dad got home. He wasn't in a really good mood so we tried to cheer him up. But boy was he stubborn. At dinner he wouldn't even talk to us, it seemed like he was somewhere deep into space and left us with his empty vessel. It was after dinner when things got bad, and I mean really bad. I was in my room watching some television. Then I started to hear yelling, it sounded like my dad. Then I heard a scream which sounded like my mom. I ran downstairs and saw my mom was on the floor and my dad's arm was up. He hit my mom. Before he could hit her again I ran up to him and grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away from her. I let go and he turned around to me. He raised his arm up and slapped me across the face. I didn't cry though, I was going to be tough and not cry. He walked toward me and grabbed my shoulders and said "Do you want more Sylvia?!" I shook my head. He yelled "THEN STAY OUT OF OUR GOD DAMN BUSINESS!" He threw me on the ground. My mom told me to run, so I did. I ran right out the front door and ran right to the boardwalk. When I was running, that's when I started crying. I didn't want to cry in front of my dad. People were staring at me, everything just seemed to be going in slow motion. The last thing I remember was running under the boardwalk and stayed there all night. I didn't go home for a whole week. I'm so afraid of my dad ever since that night. So I knew I had to go back, to save my mom. Yet, I had no way to do that. If I left the guys would find out, and I'm not familiar with this town. I don't know how these people can be. I did have an idea how I was going to go back to Santa Carla. Dwayne did bring the special drink that can turn you into a human for a day. I drink some of that and take Dwayne's bike and ride back to Santa Carla during the day, then be back here at night before the guys even know. Yet I felt like there was something else I had to do, but didn't know what. I sat there thinking about what I should do then it came to me. I needed to write the boys a note. Just in case this takes a little longer than expected. I'll also bring the drink as well. I got a piece of paper and a pencil and started writing the note.
Dear David,Paul,Marko,and Dwayne,
I'm returning to Santa Carla for a few days. I have to go and help my mom. I feel like she's in danger. I couldn't live with myself if something bad happened to her. Please forgive me. I know I shouldn't do this but I just have to. Please, don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. If anything happens I'll come right back. Please, please,PLEASE, don't come looking for me. If I stay there for a few days I'll sleep in our cave there. I love you guys so much. I'll see you soon.
Love, Sylvia
It was almost sunrise. The guys were all sleeping by now. I took a sip of the awful tasting drink, and got on Dwayne's motorcycle, and set out for Santa Carla.

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